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Playable races of the Iron Kingoms - Humans and their nations

The residents of the Iron Kingdoms are as diverse as any other - from the boisterous Trollkin of the United Kriels, the bitter descendants of the Khardic empire to the north or their neighbours the Rhulic Dwarves and Ogrun, or the cunning Scharde Isle pirates and servants of Toruk in the southwest. While there are many factions, species, and nationalities in the Iron Kingdoms, here are a few you can play:  

Humans and their Nationalities:


Cygnaran (IK:R - p.59)

Cygnar is home to four main groups: the Caspians, Midlunders, Morridanes, and Thurians. The lands that make up the kingdom were parts of various nations in the past, and the modern country still reflects much of that diversity. The nation boasts a well-developed education system, and its people are a welcoming sort. Many of the technological advancements of the last century have been made by Cygnarans, and it is the most industrialized of all the Iron Kingdoms, its citizens being quite familiar with modern machining and manufacturing.  


(IK:R - p.61) As a product of a civil war with Cygnar, the Protectorate of Menoth occupies a relatively small portion of the continent of Immoren, and its population is more homogeneous than those of other nations. The country’s proximity to the harsh climes of the Bloodstone Marches and the religious faith of its people contribute to the hardiness of its inhabitants. The people of the Protectorate are by and large pious, and the nation is still considered a theocracy, although the events of the claiming have left the nation struggling. There are two major cultures in the Protectorate: the Sulese and the Idrians.  


(IK:R - p.62) Although the Khadoran people are not as diverse as their southern rivals, the nation of Khador is home to numerous distinct cultures. From the horselords of Umbrey to the Kossites who range through the mountains of the far north, all Khadorans share a rugged nature. North of Ord, the Khadoran Empire is dominated by the second-largest culture in western Immoren: that of the Khards, descendants of the empire that ruled the north before the coming of the Orgoth.  


(IK:R - p.63) The lands of Llael have been contested in recent years, and much of that division has been fueled by the two major groups that make up the nation’s population: the Ryn and the Umbreans. Years of war in Llael - between Khador, the Protectorate's northern crusade, Cygnar, and their own resistance forces - have proven to be a great leveler for its people. Fortunes, lands, and ancestral power were lost in its wake, forcing aristocrats to eke out an existence alongside the lowest laborers. As the country was rebuilt, even the most destitute Llaelese retained a bearing and sense of value that set them apart from the downtrodden of other kingdoms. Despite recent setbacks, many Llaelese still take pride in their cultural heritage, knowledge of ancestry, and greater appreciation for many aspects of life. In keeping with that pride, the Llaelese are one of the human nations possessing a duelling code, and citizens are expected to be able to defend themselves and their honour at a moment's notice. Llael is home to three main groups: the Ryn, Umbreans, and Tordorans.  


(IK:R - p.64) The people of Ord are at home on the oceans and waterways of western Immoren, often finding their first employment as part of a ship’s crew. Those who don’t make a living sailing are just as likely to be employed in ports or engaged in other professions related to the sea. For those who resist the call of the sea, Ord also possesses a strong mercenary tradition, providing the nation with wealth and experienced soldiers while remaining a vested interest for both Cygnar to the south, and Khador to the north. Remaining neutral between the two powers while supplying arms and troops to both ensured the country's survival during centuries of war. There are two major cultural groups in Ord: the Thurians and the Tordorans.  


(IK:R - p.65) Over time, as wars consumed western Immoren and great civilizations rose and fell, countless people were driven from their former homes. Many of these refugees sought shelter in the far corners of the continent, and a great number fled west to the Scharde Islands. The people living there today are thought to be the descendants of those who once hailed from Morrdh, Tordor, and Thuria, as well as those once counted among the Molgur.   Cryx is an unforgiving land surrounded by tempestuous seas, plagued by the corrupting blight of the great dragon Toruk, and infested with legions of the Dragonfather’s undead minions. Life is cheap in the Nightmare Empire, and its inhabitants are forced to fight for every paltry scrap.   Over time, Toruk’s powerful blight has seeped into every part of the Scharde Islands, transforming the people and the land. The generations spawned by the survivors of Toruk’s arrival and the rise of Cryx have been irrevocably tainted by the presence of the Dragonfather. These people, now called the Scharde, are easily recognized by their ritual scars, tattoos, and bone piercings. Some, however, bear the taint of draconic blight more obviously. Solid-black eyes, razorsharp teeth, scaled skin, and other deformations are common among Cryx’s inhabitants. Even the less blatantly corrupted have been influenced by the dragon’s proximity, and the Scharde are largely a cruel and violent people.  

Other human groups

Several other smaller cultures call the Iron Kingdoms home. The dark-skinned Radiz and the Sinari are found across the southern kingdoms. Some of these nomadic people live in caravans that trek across western and central Cygnar. Both groups have dwindled over the centuries as families have abandoned the old ways and integrated with those of other cultures, bringing greater diversity to the Thurians, Midlunders, and Caspians in particular. Pocket groups in Cygnar include the Gnasir and the Arjun, both of whom shun contact with outsiders and speak their own somewhat incomprehensible dialects. Northern Khador is home to a number of isolated groups who once contended with the Skirov and the Kossites for resources. These include the Vindol, the Ruscar, the Bolotov, and the Yhari-Umbreans. Some of these people live in tribes little changed since the days of the Molgur and still proudly display totemic emblems of the wolf, the bear, and the raven.

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