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"Yellowed Belly" In Chenth

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Generally fit regardless of his form, but he has a pretty lax metabolism. Due to the race's innate size and shape, he is a bit heftier as a Jaeger than in his other forms.

Body Features

As a Chenth, his scales are a singular color throughout the majority of his body, with their color shifting to lighter yellow on his stomach and flank. This same color scheme is shared in his Jaeger form, with the addition of his stomach being segmented into bands of scales, and a small row of horns forming near the top of his head and ending at his tail, where it meets a spade-like formation of plates.

Facial Features

As a Chenth, has three horns extending out the crown of his head that curve upwards towards the back. As a Jaeger, he has two thicker horns that extend from above his now ridged brow and another, smaller, horn that extends off of his nose that juts straight upwards, as well as a set of tusk like protrusions that have formed on his jaw that follow the placement of his canines.

Identifying Characteristics

As he's transitioned into the stages of later adulthood, he's gained a number of smaller to almost non-visible scars, but the only noticeable one is along his stomach where he received a rather deep cut from a sharp rock as he ventured away from his family home.

Physical quirks

Right handed, uses it to cast spells as well.   As a Chenth, his body is rather standard, with not very many draconic traits being present. As a Jaeger, he has much more physical quirks, due to the highly specialized nature of the species. These quirks include being able to close and open his nostrils and ear canal at will, a high resistance to temperature, with only his upper set of scales being affected by extreme heat or cold, and an increased lung capacity, which lets him hold his breath for close to an hour without feeling discomfort. Due to his Jaeger form's high internal temperature, he'll often be seen steaming from the nose passively, or if he's overly heated, just letting out a good deal in one large cloud.

Special abilities

Is extremely proficient in magic, and has shown at the very least proficiency in every school, but is limited by his smaller pool of mana, with more costly spells or repeated use rapidly draining his stamina to the point of fainting.

Apparel & Accessories

Does not wear any kind of clothing as a dragon, but wears a good variety of clothing when polymorphed as a human, preferring to wear clothing usually reserved for nobles.

Specialized Equipment

Is bound to the Chained Arcanum, a spell book that has recorded every single spell that Lumius or his master, Haos, have ever performed. As a drawback to its great power, it is physically bound to Lumius' body when summoned, and when removed a set distance, will cause mortal harm to him.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Identifies as male (he/him/they)


Doesn't care too much for anything of sexual nature, and even if he did, it shouldn't matter much what his partner would be.


Was personally trained under the dragon, Igneus, in math, science, history and the arts, as well as the basics of magic under the dragon, Haos.


They've were the head librarian for Pinto Island's floating library for a while before they left the island, and presently they are the indentured servant to the darksteel dragon, Tarn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was the first Chenth of his generation to attempt to breach the massive falls that contain their clan's lair, and succeeded in making it to the plateau that lied above them. During the time of his education, he was one of his class' most accomplished mages in the schools of life, conjuration, transmutation, evocation and enchantment, and used his experience to successfully bind himself to the legendary Chained Arcanum, a spell book used by his mentor, Haos.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was not able to pass the test to determine magical aptitude for over four years, due to his body's naturally limited pool of mana, and had to train himself to store more.

Mental Trauma

Due to his long history of success, he has developed the beginnings of a god complex, and refuses to accept inability to complete a task. He also is prone to spurts of sociopathic behavior, and is known to indulge in macabre, often excruciatingly painful, violence.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is considerably well studied, and views the world with a logical eye before anything else. He is also quick to strategize, and more than willing to completely scrap ideas if it means a more suitable one can be made.

Morality & Philosophy

Lumius doesn't hold himself to a morality, but he does strongly follow the philosophy of making every misstep into an opportunity.

Personality Characteristics


Now that his former master has been widely discredited, he seeks to become widely accepted as the most skilled mage of his generation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great for mental activities, couldn't be worse at physical activities.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: The smell of books, taking a nice long soak in the lava pits, reading uninterrupted, being asked for his opinion or advice, being clean.   Dislikes: Tarn. Aside from that, he's not very fond of strong stimuli, i.e. strong perfumes or bodily odor, sharp tasting food or food that leaves a long aftertaste, loud or continuous noise, etc.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, Cunning, Witty, Logical, Intelligent

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to getting into fights that he's caused, highly dismissive, easily moved to envy


Immaculately, impossibly, clean. Become very stressed if he's unable to clean himself, or at the very least, able to keep his face clean.


Contacts & Relations

Since almost the first day he's lived on the island, he's been constantly followed by the darksteel, Tarn. He's now forced to serve him in a seemingly endless debt after he stole a sandwyrm on the larger dragons' territory.

Family Ties

Has a large biological family that he hasn't spoken to since he left their home. His adopted family includes his longtime mentor and adopted father, Igneus, and his younger adopted brother, Axilmeus.

Religious Views

Has never been a religious type, but doesn't bring it up in conversation.

Social Aptitude

Not exactly a charismatic person but makes up for it in spades with sheer presence.


Speaks with poise and manners, and gives gives off a strong confident demeanor. When angered, he will quickly switch to being much more aggressive, and oftentimes resorts to scathing, personal insults.

Hobbies & Pets

Spends almost all his free time reading, and also occasionally reads during conversation if it fails to hold his attention.


His voice's tone and pitch change depending upon his form, with his voice as a Chenth being much more flat. As a Jaeger, his voice lowers a good couple octaves with his increased size, and a small rumble is common when he clears his throat.



'Master' (Vital)

Towards Lumius




'Servant' (Trivial)

Towards Tarn




Due to Lumius being on the island for only a handful of days, he didn't know who Tarn was or what belonged in his territory. As a result, Lumius 'stole' one of the wyrms that lived in his territory, and had to enter into a debt in order to pay him back for the grievous insult. Tarn quickly learned how much he could squeeze out of the little bugger, and has kept him under his thumb ever since.

Nicknames & Petnames

No real nicknames, but there's a particular way that Tarn says Lumius' name that makes his skin crawl.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Lumius' often gruesome and painful looking disposals of his food leave Tarn very...intrigued, to say the least.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Has a rather large room in his lair dedicated exclusively to his hoard, and has filled with a great number of different items, including gold, jewels, magical artifacts, trophies from particularly noteworthy foes and BOOKS.
Any Lawful Allignment
Current Location
Year of Birth
694 ME 74 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a clutch of seven, and was one of two boys. Was the first Chenth in nineteen generations to be born with pink irises, and was seen as a bad omen.
Pinto Island, The Falls of Ergoth
Current Residence
The Unsung Isles, The Lair of the Yellow Dragon
Pink irises, light blue sclera, draconic eye shape
N/A as a dragon, short blonde hair when polymorphed as a human
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow (Described as anywhere between sandy colored to banana colored) as both a Chenth and when polymorphed as a Jaegar. Relatively pale skin when polymorphed as a human.
Chenth: 3.8'x4' ft, Jaegar: 87'x140' ft
Chenth: 162 lbs (73.48 kg), Jaegar: ~750,000 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, (Some) Dwarvish, (Some) Elvish, Can speak Abyssal if he's using magic.

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Character Portrait image: by DeviousDoctor
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