
The town of Hammerstaad is built on a narrow shelf of land that lays shaded by the near ridge of mountains that rises a few meters from the shore. The town focuses on the sea with a vast fishing and whaling fleet. The smell of fish is everywhere. There are no inns in Hammerstaad. Visitors are directed to the jarl’s lodge, where they are warmly welcomed for news from the wider world. The only other building of note is the seaside temple to Valkur that welcomes the seafearing Norheimers home or sees them off on their many voyages.   Minor Jarl Kjeld Hammerstaad rules Norheim from his great lodge, but he suffers from interminable gout that flares up repeatedly, regardless of the ministrations of the priests of Valkur. He blames vindictive faeries for the curse, saying that no doubt one of his ancestors stole something from some faerie, but he doesn’t know what was stolen, from which faerie, or where to return it
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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