
The most populous settlement on Norland, Rogarsheim is the home of the nominal leader of the Northlanders in the Moonshaes, Jarl Rault the Wise. This ancient Northlander ruled Norland as a vassal-king under House Kendrick, but the declining power of the High King and the restlessness of his Northlander followers have forced Rault to declare independence from Derid Kendrick. After the rise to power of the Storm Maiden and the resulting civil war, he simply tries to hold his coalition of Northlander warriors and sailors together.   The city contains a fair mix of Northlander and Ffolk, and many different races mingle peacefully here. Dwarves with eyes on the mineral-rich Jotenhammers bide their time until they can ply their trade in the mines without fear of giant attacks. Fey creatures from Gwynneth come to Rogarsheim out of curiosity and to trade. Although most of the industry in Rogarsheim revolves around fishing and sailing, some small farms dot the landscape west of the city. Ship-building is also an important industry in the town, even though much of the lumber used in the creation of the ships is brought in from other places. The sawyers of Norland are hopeful that eliminating the giant threat might allow easier access to the timber covering the slopes of the Jotenhammers.
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