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First Mate Hize

The Childish Accountant

Special thanks to the Dawnlike tileset for the kobold sprite that inspired her.

First Mate Hize A.

Hize is an expert in all things numerological, mathematical, or spatial. She knows Pi to 3 places, can balance a checkbook, and knows her lucky number is 6 because that's how many front-toes she has. Hize is also a socially awkward, easily distracted, hyper child-like kobold, and that's wherein lies the rub.   Hize has gotten a job aboard Leonard's Arrow, working for the Fifth Castowan Retinue as the crew-management officer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hize is 3 and a half feet tall, perfectly healthy, and has a wicked bite and legs that go 66 mph.

Body Features

Hize has soft, pliable and easily removed pale red and dark brown scales, bright orange eyes, and three sets of slightly misaligned teeth. It is said that only New World kobolds have three rows of teeth, and they are generally more straight than hers.

Facial Features

Hize has a round face with eyes set more to the side than most kobolds (which also look slightly blurred), and a spotty pattern of dark brown scales all over. Her skin on her face looks more rubbery.

Identifying Characteristics

Hize's spot pattern is rather distinctive; it follows the Fibbonacci sequence as it spirals out from the middle of her back, becoming more speckled and less deep as it strays from the center.

Physical quirks

Hize is, like most kobolds, ambidextrous, and walks balancing on her tail. She skips often, and has to crane her neck upwards often in conversations.

Apparel & Accessories

Hize wears a simple red robe with a hood and sash, which she tucks her abacus and scrolls into.

Specialized Equipment

Hize always carries an abacus with her; the abacus has two columns, and 21 rows. The abacus has a leather cover, seems to be deerskin, that holds the beads in place for travel purposes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

488 AMN: Born. 496 AMN: Went to trade school in Blamor. 498 AMN: Graduated trade school. 498 AMN: Hired aboard Leonard's Arrow.

Gender Identity



Too young for that!


Blamorian Trade School of Sailing and Business Management.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to get a ghost to sign her reference sheet.

Mental Trauma

Hize is afraid of heights, but there's no origin behind it beyond how small she is, and being intimidated by the helplessness of being so high up.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hize has an incredible sense for the spatial dimensions and mathematics, and oddly enough in linguistics despite her odd method of speech; she is simply too excited and fast to talk properly, only in writing, and doesn't understand personal pronouns as her native tongue has none. She suffers in the fields of social and musical skills, along with logic, however.

Morality & Philosophy

Hize believes that numbers tell the truth, and that there's always a calculation that will show the truth in the situation, even if it doesn't quite make sense in a logical way. She can perform math quickly naturally, and had done so from birth; clearly it's a sign that numbers will show her how to live her life.


She covers her ears at the sound of swearing and crude discussion, and is much too pure for anything beyond nose rubbing, hand holding, and headpats.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She has an incredible skill with numbers, and despite her being generally noisy and socially inept, can often learn many secrets she really shouldn't know by simply having a quiet moment for once. Her childishness makes the information she obtains a bit unreliable, however.

Likes & Dislikes

Hize loves numbers and math, geometry, sugar, and meats; she also loves paper, her ability to read, and talking to people. Hize hates manual labor, heights, and vegetables.

Virtues & Personality perks

Hize has quick reflexes, a knack for trap construction and disarming, and the ability to do complex math quickly.

Vices & Personality flaws

Hize is incredibly impatient and jumps to assumptions quickly about things she could do to help the situation, and her thinking doesn't always line up with what's going on.

Personality Quirks

Hize has a habit of running off near-instantly in conversations, using math to prove her point in odd ways, and counting various things for entertainment; such as the nostril hairs of the other conversant.


Hize generally keeps herself clean, and is rather orderly through one simple trick: she refuses to use an entire room. If given a room to herself, she'll take up only one corner of it, and keep all her stuff in that corner, forming one dirty region and leaving the rest of the room spotless.


Family Ties

Hize has an incredibly large family of several swarms of brothers and sisters. She is one of the eldest, and the only one to receive a formal education. She has thirty sisters, and forty brothers. As with most Kobolds, she is raised by the entire tribe, resulting in twenty moms and twenty dads.

Religious Views

Creche of Syll initiate, First-Sash.

Social Aptitude

Hize is extroverted to a fault, as she has no concept of social norms or boundaries. She acts as overly excited as a toddler when talking to someone, and gets carried away quickly in topics she cares about, while zoning out with ones she doesn't.


Hize often bounces in place excitedly or scampers around on her clawed feet at rapid speeds, and often talks with her hands.

Hobbies & Pets

Hize is unsure what hobbies she has, as she has been unable to explore them due to constantly looking for a job, food, and sources of disposable income. She has always been interested in trying horseback riding, but the horses are too tall for her.


Hize speaks entirely in third person, and commonly refers to people by two-syllable nicknames or color-codes. She has a rather loud and optimistic voice, and never swears.

Wealth & Financial state

Hize has very little to her name, only a few gold and silver coins. She doesn't really need much money however, as she has a habit of procuring anything she needs from crafty sources. This is most definitely not thievery.   She has student loans, which she hopes to be able to pay off.
Hize's abacus is technically a soroban, a Japanese variation of an abacus that is much more advanced.
Hize's here to do math and make friends...
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Secretary, First Mate
Year of Birth
488 AMN 12 Years old
Outskirts of Castow
Current Residence
Leonard's Arrow
40 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ulanshi Draconic, Imperial Common.
Character Prototype
The Genki Girl
... and she's all out of math.

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Author's Notes

I solemnly swear Hize will not die unless the players do something to cause her death directly.

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