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Templeton von Rodegeit

The Mousefolk Ranger

Character by PepperCola; see: for Heroes profile.

Alfredo Templeton

Alfredo Templeton, often going by the name Templeton von Rodegeit, is a mousefolk adventurer from Rodegeit. Templeton is a ranger, trained by one from the Creche of Syll, and is known for his traveling companion Chirp.   Templeton has a small degree of local fame in the Duchy of Lorcan, as the mysterious wandering mouse-man who saves peasants from wild animals. His goal, however, is to find a cure to the curse that turned his village into mouse-people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Templeton isn't very strong due to his size, but is incredibly nimble, and decently durable. Besides being turned into a mouse, he is generally capable and fit. Don't ask him to lift anything, though.

Body Features

Templeton has light-gray fur over his body.

Identifying Characteristics

He's a mouse, for one.

Physical quirks

Templeton has a very good formal posture, but only when he's paying attention to his posture -- otherwise, he naturally slinks down into a more self-defensive and stealthy posture and gait, stepping quietly. He has no formal training in stealth, but his small size and survival training certainly help.   He is naturally right-handed.

Special abilities

Templeton does not have natural magic, but has tactical strategies he can do that are rather similar to magic; whether it be dashing towards an enemy so fast he cannot be attacked, creating nearly invisible snares, or helping his allies jump higher than usual.

Apparel & Accessories

He has a green bandana he wears as a hat, and a red sash he wears around his waist, symbolizing his status as initiate of Syll. He wears a leather strapped knapsack and quiver, along with leather boots, and hardened leather pants. He also wears a leather chestplate above a white cloth shirt, wrapped in a tan cape made from goatpelts.

Specialized Equipment

Templeton has a rapier and longbow, both adapted to his smaller size. He carries around various survival goods as well of course, inside his backpack: iron pots, cooking tools, hunting traps, shovels...

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Trained by a Syllic priest and guardsman, Weston. Templeton is aware of how to read and the basics of wilderness survival, and decently trained in combat. He was also trained how to drive carts despite his small stature, how to cook, and the principles of herbalism. Templeton also knows a few songs, but nothing special, on the flute.


Templeton was an apprentice under Weston, training to become a new ranger and guardsman to protect the village from the wild animals, now that the villagers were all smaller and more vulnerable. For several years he served under Weston, but eventually he had to set off to adventure.   Now he serves under The Sharkpups of Castow as an officer, hoping to earn the services of the Lorcan court wizard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Templeton once saved the village's goats from wolves, fighting them off. He discovered Chirp after tracking the wolves to their lair, and believes that the curse is spreading, thus him leaving the village.

Intellectual Characteristics

Templeton is observant and good at reading people's emotions, but not particularly intelligent. Give him enough time and he can investigate better than the average person, at least. Templeton understands animals better than just about anyone, at least.

Morality & Philosophy

Templeton's sense of morality is rather basic, yet a strong code. Obey the law, prevent war, serve "Good" lieges, get the girl, undo curses, save peasants, kill monsters. Templeton doesn't really think much more on the subject beyond this.


Insulting Rodegeit is his greatest taboo, but the more likely one anyone will encounter is that calling him a "mouse" gets under his skin. He is species-impaired for the time being, due to a curse, not a common field mouse.

Personality Characteristics


Templeton seeks the affection of Allouette, a fair maiden in his village, and an end to the curse that turned him into a mouse. But overall, his motivation is to do Good, and make people's lives better.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Templeton is heavily skilled in animal handling, with the ability to talk to any small animals. He is decently athletic, though not particularly so. Templeton is also very insightful and perceptive, able to see and notice both emotional states and things around. He is also trained in investigation, though it takes him time. And of course, survival is his ultimate skill.


He wears a foundation of bread flour to help dry out and fluff up his fur, also giving it a slight lightening.


Contacts & Relations

His mentor, Weston, has trained him as a guard and member of the Creche of Syll.   He is courting Allouette, the butcher's daughter.   He is rivaled against Colby, who also set off looking for a cure to the curse, and Allouette's hand.

Religious Views

Templeton, despite being a technical initiate of the Creche of Syll, is not particularly religious. He believes that if Syll was real, she would have sent some form of magical potion to cure them, by now. However, he is not above superstition, and still hums a few of the hymns occasionally; usually the ones that teach herbalist facts.

Social Aptitude

Templeton is generally well-spoken, and can be decently charming, but he is not particularly well-socialized due to the curse preventing more civilized company. He often mocks the charisma of famous knights in the tales he's heard, considering himself building up into the next famously charismatic hero.


Templeton knows etiquette and formality, and often adheres to them. He is a bit intimidated by different sets of manners and etiquette, such as sailor culture, or foreign etiquette.

Hobbies & Pets

Templeton has a pet giant cricket named Chirp, who he believes used to be a dog before the curse. Chirp has been outfitted with a bowler hat, as well.


Templeton naturally code-switches between formal and casual speak, but leans towards formal dialects. He has a Chevalian accent, though knows how to slip into Daeroan Elvish for romantic situations. His voice did not change in pitch as a result of the curse, and is not abnormally high-pitched.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First-Sash of the Creche of Syll.
Year of Birth
478 AMN 22 Years old
Current Residence
Leonard's Arrow
Black beady eyes
Grey fur
2 1/2 feet
~25 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Squeak, Elvish.
Character Prototype
The Dork Knight

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Alfredo Templeton

Ranger 3 Class & Level
Folk Hero Background
Mousefolk Race
Lawful Good Alignment

Strength 9
Dexterity 17
constitution 12
intelligence 10
wisdom 15
charisma 12
Total Hit Dice 3
Hit Die
+2 proficiency bonus
-1 Strength
+5 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
+1 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics
+4 Animal Handling
+0 Arcana
+1 Athletics
+1 Deception
+0 History
+4 Insight
+1 Intimidation
+2 Investigation
+2 Medicine
+0 Nature
+4 Perception
+1 Performance
+1 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+3 Sleight of Hands
+3 Stealth
+4 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Languages: Common, Squeakspeak, Elvish
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons, rapier, shortsword, shortbow, handaxe
Tools: Herbalism kit, Land Vehicles, Cook's Utensils
Snare, Zephyr Strike, Jump
Rapier, longbow, leather armor, hunting trap, arrows, cook's utensils, iron pot, common clothes, shovel, mess kit, torches, waterskin, rations, tinderbox, backpack, 10sp.
He is literally a mouse.

Heroes Enabled


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