Auhren Peasant Civil War

The Conflict


The inconvenience the civil war has caused for Auhren is tremendous in terms of resources and man power. With a large amount of their soldiers patrolling around the lands in search of peasant strong holds it leaves their city undermanned. All signs seem to lead to a essentially unstoppable outcome of a noble victory however.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


The Peasant Rebels

Led by

The City of Auhren

Led by


The rebelling peasants are of little strength in comparison to the strong eastern loyalist armies. Only 36% of the peasant population in Auhren and 10% in T'Rem took arms against the nobles.
Son of Messedi Marnei, David Marnei leads a strong force of men against the peasants. His army features top tier equipment and training, easily out numbering and dismembering the peasant forces.


During every engagement with the enemy force, the peasants suffer large casualties and are yet to win a major battle against they're foes.
The Auhren forces have suffered very few casualties in the way of small patrols being defeated, however no significant losses have come to David Marnei's forces.


To tear down they're noble lords and create a democracy based system which will give choice to who rules the kingdoms of the land.
Capture Lance Reeges and execute him for treason, along with anyothers who refuse to return to their rightful duty as peasants.


  • Isles of Isaiath


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