Cadaver Collector

Cadaver collectors are supposedly massive humanoid constructs built of stone and metal said to exist in The Crypt Lands Beyond Purude. They possess long plated arms that nearly drag along the ground, owing to the collectors' hunched shoulders. They possess a featureless, metallic oblong head, with glowing green eye sockets. Spikes of various lengths, some barbed and some not, jut out from the collector from all sides, including along its limbs. They walk on almost hooved metallic feet. Bodies of fallen fighters adorn the various spikes on the collector's body, with the collector adding new bodies to its collection as it discovers more fallen.   Shroudmen trading at the Shade Markets within Purude supposedly harvest parts of the Collector and sell it for enormous amounts, however there is no proof that the various gears and cogs are actually from the mythical construct.
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