The Crypt Lands Beyond Purude

The Crypt lands are south of Purude and going through the dark city is the only way to reach the region, however it is rarely a desired location for travellers. The land is plagued by a constant mask of terrible weather, leading to very little vegetation. Corpse Grass is the only flourishing flora in the region, a waist high grass that when a body falls in, it decomposes within seconds.   Although very little travel comes into the Crypt Lands, there is very much travel out. The natives known as Saplot, Shroudmen or Shadowmen often make their way into the Shade Markets of Purude to trade the valuables they possess. Living within various ruins and slums littered throughout the region, the Saplot are all very similar in appearance, known for covering their bodies in brandings and wearing bright red lacquered wooden masks. When trading the Shroudmen have what the known world would consider rare and unique items. Such as Drow bones, Rockpommel Pipes and Cadaver Collector gears. Merchants flock to the offerings of the Saplot and pay monstrous amounts for these items.
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