Purude is the most unique major city in all of the The Isles of Isaiath, it features a very small population of Human, Elves and Dwarfs. Instead its large population of 500,000 is mainly of alternative races such as Kenku, Lizardfolk, Goblins and Tabaxi.
Industry & Trade
The city does very little important trading, essentially just raw materials and nothing of high value comes out of the city.
The city is one of few places that does not feature a keep, just a royal house. The city is essentially a shanty town surrounding a few proper buildings made of solid and strong material.
The city of Purude has long been a place of refuge for lesser races and they general gravitate towards this part of the continent. It is extremely hard to grow crops and maintain them even more so, due to the constant lack of light in the area. The city has come under constant criticism due to its controversial housing of The Shadow Mosque, as many do not agree with the practices of The Shadow Divinity. The cities lenient culture has attracted many who wish to dabble with dark arts and Spell or Shadow Bind.
Very few high races travel to Purude, the area of the continent seems to get less sunlight for an unknown reason, making the city not a desirable place to travel. Almost all denizens within the city are clocked or hooded whilst walking around the streets, giving common people an uneasy feeling when travelling within its premises.
Alternative Name(s)
Shadow, The Bad Mans Grave, The Great Slum
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization