Fabiana Octavianus

The Witch of the Skies

Born to a mortal mother and a deity of the hells, Fabiana's birth was heralded by celestial phenomena: shooting stars streaked across the night sky, and thunder rumbled even when there were no clouds. From her earliest days, Fabiana exhibited an innate connection to the skies, often displaying inexplicable feats such as summoning gusts of wind and commanding the clouds to dance.   But while her powers were awe-inspiring, Fabiana's story was not one of benevolent guidance. Bolstered by her divine heritage and unbridled ambition, she constructed a colossal flying fortress, a celestial citadel suspended among the clouds. From this lofty vantage point, she projected her dominion over the lands below, casting an imposing shadow that struck fear into the hearts of mortals.   The stories of the Witch of the Skies spread far and wide, woven with both reverence and trepidation. Tales of her enigmatic aura, her ability to summon thunderstorms at will, and her power to eclipse the sun itself were told around campfires and in bustling marketplaces. Entire villages would bow in deference as her fortress passed overhead, a testament to her divine prowess.  
Sky King
Fabiana Octavianus' Sky Fortress
  During The Race For Geass at Ishtar's Garden. Dante Calibre had a conversation with Fabiana. He learned that her deepest desire was to confront the person who had defeated her in a past life. Fabiana was fixated on her previous battle with the Silver Demon. Despite her relentless efforts to defeat this foe, she couldn't forget how uninterested the Silver Demon seemed. Her sole goal now was to meet the demon again and make sure she remembered their next fight. Dante made a binding vow with her to supress the true Witch of the Skies unless his allies died, the idea was that during this supressed state, Fabiana could build strength to challenge Cybel, however she was unaware that her reincarnation would only last for the Race.


Fabiana Octavianus


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway


Towards Fabiana Octavianus


Year of Death
9980 DE
Circumstances of Death
Defeated by Cybel Qway in an arcane dual.
Ice Dragon City
Place of Death
Mettlewood Queenship
Yellow, Red Veins
Long, Obsidian, Silver Tinge


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