Grant Ebbelon

Twelve years ago Grant Ebbelon was a well regarded up and coming Wanderer who had reached the rank of Platinum, his reputation and direct job requests rose as the months past and he was enjoying the fruits of his labour.   With confidence at an all time high, Grant would look to continue his progression with a trip to The Crownlands Wanderer Guild after failing to find a job at The Eastlands Wanderer Guild that he believed would promote him to an Obsidian Wanderer. There he would accept a job involving escorting a high tier noble to Maronja for a political meeting, the reward and exposure the job provided had Grant in awe, finally the breakthrough he had been waiting for stood in front of him.   After a weeks worth of preparing the necessary gear and supplies for the assignment, Ebbelon would arrive at the job and be hit with a heart breaking realisation. Due to his commitment to preparation he had been unable to find time and double check the status of his assignment at the guild base, meaning he had been unaware of his dismissal. Adventuring party Beyond Death had overwritten his assignment after the client heard that they were potentially interested before Grant was hired, upon being told his emotions exploded and rage consumed him. He would approach Painite Wanderer Genjiro with vicious intentions and after being giving multiple chances to walk away, Grant initiated a duel.   It was clear that despite his rank of Platinum Wanderer, Grant was no match for Genjiro and after evading a flurry of attacks, the famed wanderer ended the sword play in one strike. Although it was not a deep strike and the sword was swung without deadly intentions, Grant was unaware that succumbing to a slash from Genjiro's sword, Qennath's Tooth was for an adventurer, a worse fate than death. At the time no one was aware that suffering a hit from the sword led to life long penalties, after conceding the duel Grant felt weaker than usual. Months pasted and he had noticed his physical ability had halved and an appointment with a skilled cleric confirmed the same for his magical potential, due to this reduction in capability he was unable to complete jobs suitable to his rank. Eventually the guild decided to revaluate Ebbelon's position and reassigned him to Stone rank, this wounded his pride and caused him to denounce his rank and retire as an adventurer. However it is well known Grant still holds an unbreakable grudge towards Genjiro.


Grant Ebbelon

Fellow Adventurer

Towards Genjiro



Fellow Adventurer

Towards Grant Ebbelon


Grant Ebbelon

Former Bodyguard

Towards Chase Redpool


Chase Redpool

Former Employer

Towards Grant Ebbelon


Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Short, Gray


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