Less Terrin

Less Terrin is a tavern located deep in the slums of Sons of Titus. It is a dingy, dilapidated building that has seen better days. Nestled in the heart of one of the most crime ridden streets, it is a place where the desperate and downtrodden come to drown their sorrows and forget their troubles for a little while.   The Exterior of the tavern is uninvitng, with peeling paint, cracked wooden blinders and a rickety sign that swings in the breeze. The door is always slightly ajar and a pungent smell of ale and sweat wafts out into the streets. Inside, Less Terrin is even more run down. The floorboards are splintered and uneven, the tables are scarred and stained and the chairs are mismatched and wobbly. A long bar runs the length of one wall, stocked with an array of cheap yet potent spirits.   Despite it's rough appearance and even rougher location, the tavern has a active set of customers. The regulars who gatherer there are various crews of misfits and outcasts. The owner of the tavern is a gruff and grizzled old man, who presides over the establishment with a firm hand. He is a hard drinker himself but has managed to make friends with those deep in the criminal underworld allowing him to run a tight ship with zero nonsense tolerated. No fighting or thievery is present within the tavern as he looks out for his customers, an individual who thieves would have a hand chopped off.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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