The Bloated Bounty

The Bloated Bounty is the epitome of shady back-alley taverns, and serves as the perfect place for a mix of skullduggery and criminal planning. The subtle nuances of the transactions that take place here are nearly impossible to decipher for anyone but a hyperattentive Magical Binder. Visitors here would be wise to watch their backs, not linger for long, and be careful not to eavesdrop. The draw of the Bloated Bounty lies in its name; all jobs found here are high-risk, high-reward.   The general population within the tavern consists of Kenku, Lizardfolk and Orcs. It is not rare but an uncommon occurance when an Elf appears in these parts. The Bloated Bounty is a large, inconspicuous building in a relatively nicer part of Purude, the dull exterior and thick walls completely hide the corruption and wickedness within.
Alternative Names
The Shade Tavern, Thieves Nest
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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