The Clattanoia Sisterhood

A specific Xalo Xido scroll speaks of long ago, during the time of The Great Two Empires. It states there was a group of sorcerers known as the Clattanoia Sisterhood. They were involved in one of the great empires, where they resided in a great temple made purely out of the rare material, painite. The scroll speaks little of their inner workings or motivations.   What was known, however, was that the Clattanoia Sisterhood possessed a great and terrible power known as The Power Of Kings. This power was said to be able to grant its wielder almost god-like abilities, including the ability to bend time and space to their will, control the elements, and even bring people back from the dead.   The scroll father iterates that the Sisterhood was said to be ancient, with roots that stretched back to the earliest days of human civilization. They were rumoured to be descendants of an ancient, pre-human race of beings who possessed incredible magical abilities. However, this power came with a great cost. The members aged extremely quickly due to the constant use of the power and to counteract this they would require thousands of human sacrifices. Those who lived within one of the great empires would comply with their requests as they feared the power of the Sisterhood if it were to turn against them.   Overtime, as The Great Two Empires expanded, the Clattanoia Sisterhood would become more and more isolated within their painite temple. However, as the centuries passed, their numbers began to dwindle. Eventually causing the sorcerers to become extinct and The Power Of Kings would become lost to the annals of history.   Speculated Members:  
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