Tussarian Water Festival

The Tussarian Water Festival is a tradition that takes place in the capital city of the Tussarian Empire, Rivia. The event is fairly new, as it was created by the current Emperor of the Tussarian Empire, Hagan Vogt Leonhardt. During the time of the festival, working is punishable by stoning and all citizens are required to attend.   The event takes place at the largest lake within the empire. Multiple makeshift spectator stands are created, all facing towards the lake. The festival features many events such as navel battles, criminals forced to swim from one side to another whilst dire crocodiles are placed into the water and last but not least the Tussarian Water Princess crowning.   The Water Princess crowning is considered the most significant of events as it has direct input from the emperor. After all the events transpire the emperor will select one woman he has had his eye on, this woman then takes part in a ceremony within the water. Once this concludes the emperor personally assists the lucky woman out of the water and walks her to his palace. Most women will choose to enter the palace and spend a night tending to the emperor, it is very rare for one to decline the rulers invitation.
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