
Rivia is the capital city of the country known as the Tussarian Empire in The Lands of VeCoastal.


Rivia is a human dominant city, although other races aren't particularly uncommon, they are generally willing slaves who have sold themselves into the trade. Most do this in order to avoid poverty as the opportunities within the empire are less for non human races. The racism levels wouldn't be considered confronting but certain aspects of species superiority are present. The population of the city has taken a hit over the years with the war against the Levial Theocracy, many young men are sent to the battlefield and never return.


The managing body consists of the Emperor of the Tussarian Empire and his loyal noble subjects. There are other influential organisations present such as the Tussarian Institute of Magic but they all follow the words of emperor Hagan Vogt Leonhardt.


Rivia was originally the high seat of the king of VeCoastal, previously held by houses Moses and Ashton, however with the formation of the empire type government, the position of king eventually evaporated as did the two previously mentioned houses and the current emperor rose into power whilst bending the remaining noble houses to his will, most of them now serve in the form of his advisors and subordinates.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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