These kinds of beasts or animals are encountered far less in the
The Isles of Isaiath.
Dire Animals
Dire creatures are far larger then other counterparts within their species, dire animals can come in the form of Wolf, Spider, Rat, Amphibian and Bat. They can be found throughout all regions and occasionally a new species of dire animal is discovered.
Carnivorous Ape
This species of ape can only be found in
The Forest region, they are known to be far more intelligent than the average ape and are capable of setting traps and crafting make shift weaponry.
This large reptile walks on two legs and roams on the coastline, fishing with its long snout. They are not extremely aggressive and do not attack people on sight but are tremendously dangerous if bothered.
Rust Monster
Rust monsters inhabit only dark places. They roam such places in search of their food, metals of all sorts, if a rust monster touches metal with its antennae it rusts or corrodes the metal, allowing the creature to consume it easily. These creatures are only known to lurk in cave networks and mines in
The Mountainside region.
Stirge are cat sized mosquito/bat creatures. They lay in wait for warm blooded creatures, swoop down and when their long, sharp proboscis is attached, the blood of the victim is drawn through to be eaten. Sturge are only found in the forests of
Cave Fisher
Cave fishers are hard shelled, many legged creatures that live by trappings animals in subterranean caves of
The Mountainside region. To trap its pray, a cave fisher employs a super strong, highly adhesive filament which extends from its proboscis.