"The Allerans seated on the grass halted their discussions to carefully observe the giddy young lady strutting accross the garden. Her violet robes danced and flailed around her body as the summer breeze swept through them, or so the other visitors had hoped. All who were fortunate not to know her looked in awe at the Makzukaa gracing them with her prescence, whereas the rest waited patiently, dreading the thought that her wandering robes were not due to the forces around her, but rather those inside of her."
  V is an Alleran Makzukaa who is currently serving as the Overseer of Arms. Before becoming an overseer, she was a Silencer soldier who worked on top secret jobs both domestically and intergalactically. She is regarded as one of the best Silencers in Alleran history, nicknamed falnn (translates to something similar to Ghost, or Spirit).  


Most beings haven't seen V without some sort of grin on her face, and there are very few people alive that have. It can be very unerving seeing her interact with it even when it's not appropriate, especially when you realise this perpetuate smile followed her on missions back when she was part of the Are. As an overseer, V is well spoken and generally polite. She speaks to most as if she was speaking to a friend, though it's unclear whether she considers anyone a friend, whether due to her general personality or the nature of her work. Her motivations and aspirations for the most part, are unknown, and asking about either will result in some form of conversation dodging.   When she became a soldier initially, her eccentricity came more in the form of hyperactivity and impulsivity. She would attach herself to someone she finds interesting and constantly enquiring about them. This was especially so with Primm, Chyeny and Olpae much to their bemusement. She would also do some really questionable and downright violent things to achieve her goals without really worrying about the consequences on others.   Once she became a Silencer instructor, she mellowed down a lot, but her methods in teaching were much more extreme - she treaded a fine line when training her students, and she was more than happy to push them to their physical and mental limits with minimal regard for their wellbeing. Though some Are disagreed with her methods, she produced some of the best Silencers in milenia, so she climbed the ranks fairly quickly.  


V is the youngest of █████ children to two Allerans. One of her parents was a █████, the other was an █████. The █████ of them used to live on ███████ ████ █████ near the █████ █████ and lived a relatively happy homelife as █████. As █████ became more unstable, they moved to a town that sat along the border of Runtetx.   ███ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ ███ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ ███ █████ █████ █████ ███ █████ █████ █████ █████ █████ ██ ███████   Two notable missions solidified her status as one of the greatest Silencers; the neutralisation of a fringe group that opposed project Amalgen, and the apprehension of a long-term Alleran spy.  


Top Class Silencer
She is a master of efficiency and get the job done by any means necessary. As a Silencer, she has completed a variety of missions; espionage, information gathering, with varying degrees of extremity. She isn't afraid to do something outside of the norm if she feels it'll produce the outcomes she needs.
Reaction Times
V's calculative nature and adaptability in missions allows her to make major decisions in a fraction of the time it would take an average 2nd Sphere Silencer.
Incredible Speed
She is able to use her gas to travel from one place another with astonishing speed. To other Aylarans, it can look like teleporting.
  • She started as a Sixth Sphere soldier around 8 Aylaran months after Primm Sebzevan
  • In the Aylaran language, she is able to switch to up to 12 different dialects seamlessly. She is also fluent in a selection of languages outside Aylaran, including English and 5 other intergalactic languages.


6ft 10 (208cm)
Lippud 37
Silencer (Previous)

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