
The Old God of Death, Omens and Ghosts. Thief of souls, claimer of the slain, and warden of the tombs of a thousand thousand kings. In ages past, the great carved ravens that signified Carrion oversaw the burial mounds of Antari clans stretching from Echen Crag all the way to The Grace.   Now, so few remain. Alaric Bantevar and the Church of the Six Saints saw to the destruction of almost all the shrines to Carrion south of The Antar Highlands, and those few that remain are well-concealed from the main roads.   The Druids of Carrion have also faded over the centuries since the Invasion of the Norvalled Raiders. Small pockets of them remain primarily in the Antar Highlands, offering burial rites in the ancient tongues and reading the cast bones of small animals to foretell the fortunes of the sick and the dying.     Carrion themselves is an austere, distant god, one that only infrequently interacts with their mortal followers. Their presence looms large during wars, plagues and famines, and during such times their adherents busy themselves with burying the dead, performing the sacred rites of internment, warding ossuaries and counselling the bereaved.    Some folk tales imply that Carrion grants other boons to their druids, including the ability to call back the dead from beyond the Pale Curtain, either to walk this world again as a shadow of their former selves or to speak with those still living. The druids of Carrion resolutely refute these assertions out of habit... though this may be out of fear that the Church of the Six Saints might seek to eradicate their order completely on the basis of such heretical implications. Only Carrion passes freely between the Pale Curtain.

Divine Domains

Death, Spirits, Tombs, Transitions, Sickness, Omens

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Carved ravens always adorn the holy sites of Carrion. The artistic interpretation of Carrion's divine form can vary from artist to artist, however; some depict Carrion as a raven with seven eyes, others with two heads or a necklace of bone about their throat.
Divine Classification

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