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Kingdom of Tawar

The Kingdom of Tawar is a nation that lies along the north-central coast of the Known World. It landscape is hilly, mountainous, and covered in thick jungle.


Tawar is ruled by a King and Steward. The King is the sole sovereign of the Kingdom and most power is vested in him. However, certain duties and matters of State are left to the Steward, and control of the Kingdom is given to the Steward during the time of transition between Kings. This transitional period is typically from when the reincarnated is identified until he turns 16. Outside the capital, cities and villages are typically run by chieftains, clan leaders, or councils depending on the local culture of the people.


Tawar has historically been isolated nation with little contact or influence from neighboring Kingdoms. The exception to this is the southern edge of Tawar that shares a border with the Märchen Forest along the Naga River. Many of the cities and villages of Tawar exist deep in the Kingdom's jungles and have developed their own distinct cultural aspects over time.   One of the Kingdom's unifying cultural aspects is its religion which worships the dragon/serpent god, Gorunta, along with its belief in reincarnation.




The Kingdom of Tawar as it is in its current form was created 500 years ago after the human clans and tribes of the jungle overthrew the gnomes who had previous maintained power and control over the region. After the war, many of gnomish cities, including the capital of Orod Ladwen fell into ruin, and most of the gnomish population emigrated to other kingdoms or established new communities deep in the jungle.   The leader of the humans during the war, Xo Shii, became the first King of Tawar, and has, according to belief, ruled the country ever since through reincarnation. Per tradition, 21 days after the King dies, monks from the capital search the Kingdom for newborns to identify the reincarnated King. Once he is found, the newborn is brought back to the palace in Namsa, where he is brought up and crowned King on his sixteenth birthday.   In recent years, there has been an increase in outside influence from neighboring kingdoms in Tawar. For example, the creation of the West Naga Trading Co. is often assumed to be owned and operated by the governments of the Märchen Forest and Dún Meril. There has also been an increased presence of emmisaries and ambassadors from Märchen and Dún Meril the past few years nearing the King's death. This increased presence has been met with skepticism and contempt by many in Tawar.

Demography and Population

The vast majority of the population in Tawar in human. The humans of Tawar have several identifying features such as dark/olive tone skin, bright blue eyes, and curly black hair.   Some communities of Tawarian gnomes can still be found living in the jungle; however, these communities are few and far between and often have no (or little) contact with the rest of the Kingdom.   Greater diversity is typically only found in port cities, such as Lang Chai in the south and the autonomous city of Silver Fin Harbor in the north.


Tawar lies on the northcentral coast of the Known World. To the east across the Arid Mts. is the Kingdom of Dún Meril. To the south across the Naga River is the Kingdom of the Märchen Forest, and the west are the Elven City States.


Tawar does have a centralized military force; however, it pales in comparison to the armies of Dún Meril and the Märchen Forest. The armies of Tawar are currently led by Gen. Chenju.


The Kingdom of Tawar has traditionally held beliefs surrounding the dragon/serpent god, Gorunta. In fact, this is one of only a few cultural aspects that can be found universally throughout the Kingdom, along with reincarnation.   Belief around Gorunta has its roots in the ancient folk traditions of the humans of Tawar and came into its organized form following the war with the gnomes.   Gorunta is seen as a complimentary god of opposites through his embodiment of fire and water in the dragon and sea serpent.   According to legend, returning Gorunta's seven crystals to Nyana Temple will restore infinite prosperity and peace to the Kingdom.

Foreign Relations

Hisotrically, Tawar has had little contact or influence from neighboring kingdoms. This has changed in recent years with the arrival of the West Naga Trading Co. and an increased presence from outside emissaries and ambassadors in the capital. This increased presence of the outside world has often been met with resistance or outright hostility from the Tawarian people.

Agriculture & Industry

Tawar is mostly a localized agrarian society with cities and villages growing food to sustain themselves. However, in the south along the Naga River, fishing and shipping are prosperous industries and sources of trade. In the western parts of the country, the mining of dragon sand has also become a profitable industry and has become a major export to neighboring kingdoms.

Trade & Transport

Most trade and transport happens along the Naga River which stretches along the southern border of the Kingdom. There is one central road network that connects Lang Chai to the capital, Namsa; however, this is the only official road network in the Kingdom.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gold / Silver / Copper
Major Exports
  • Naga fish
  • Dragon Sand
Controlled Territories

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