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Kingdom of the Märchen Forest

The Märchen Forest is a kingdom that lies in the north-central valley of The Known World. It shares a border with the Brokespine Mountains to the west, the kingdom of Lanurra to the south, the Blue Mountains to the east, the Arid Mountains and the Kingdom of Dún Meril to the northeast, and the kingdom of Tawar to the north.   The Forest is well known for its wine region and Märchen Wine is its primary export.   Ruling over the Kingdom is the Baron of Märchen, whose family has presided over the Märchen Forest since the Kingdom's creation nearly a thousand years ago. According to tradition, the Baron of the Märchen is not known by any other name. When the eldest son of the previous Baron assumes the title, he gives up his given name in order to fully embrace and embody his new role and station within the Kingdom.   The Märchen Forest is relatively diverse and is home to many races and creatures. Although humans and elves make up the majority of the population, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and orcs have sizable communities throughout the realm.   The largest city and capital of the Märchen Forest is also its namesake, Märchen. The city sits in the center of the Kingdom and is built along the banks of the Mummelsee, a large lake along the city's eastern edge.


As the head of the Kingdom, The Baron of Märchen acts as sole sovereign, and all power is officially vested in him. However, The Baron's Council is made up of advisors who are each responsible for overseeing and managing different areas of state. The most powerful of the advisors is the Warden of the Forest. The Warden is not only the chief advisor to the Baron but is also the senior officer of the Märchen Rangers. This title is currently held by Warden Aufseher.


The Märchen Forest is commonly divided between its northern and southern regions.   The north is primarily dominated by vineyards and wine making. Over the centuries, many customs have developed around this agrarian tradition and its direct link to the lives and livelihoods of its people. Because of its notoriety and refinement of the wine making process, this region is also considered to be much wealthier and more cultured than other areas of the Kingdom.   Grapes and wine making, though primarily only found in the rolling hills of the north, are symbols that permeate the entire Kingdom. The banner of the Märchen Forest is burgundy with gold grape clusters. This is also reflected on the uniforms of the Märchen Rangers who have grape vines embroidered on their cloaks.   Beyond being the national symbol, the grape vine also has special significance in the traditions and superstitions of the Kingdom. Every 100 years, a festival is held on the Sommar Solstice in which the Baron's daughter, or closest female next-of-kin, makes a cut from the God's Vine and takes it to Witch's Cave on Herzen Peak. This offering is said to ensure good harvests for the next century.   South of the vineyards lie the dense woodlands of the Märchen Forest. This part of the Kingdom is more sparsely populated and those who live in this part of the Forest are often seen as being intensely independent and wary of any outsiders or their influence.

Public Agenda

The Märchen Forest has traditionally prided itself on its diversity and welcoming spirit. The Baron's Council is often touted as a symbol of the Kingdom's inclusive spirit in that it, by custom, has always had at least one representative from the six primary races of the Kingdom: human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, and orc.   In recent years, there have been some concerns regarding the treatment of the "Creatures of the Old Forest," including ellyon, dryads, nyads, satyrs, and other elemental lesser spirits.


Because of its central location, the Märchen Forest has always been an economic powerhouse in the region. Although it lacks substantial exports other than wine, the capital city of Märchen lies at a crossroads along major routes from the surrounding mountain ranges and the kingdoms to the north and south.   Since the war with Lanurra, the Kingdom's military, the Märchen Rangers, has grown in power, giving the Märchen Forest more significant influence with neighboring kingdoms, such as Tawar and Lanurra.


Nearly a thousand years ago, humans and elves first arrived in the region from the ancient kingdoms to the south. As the settlements they formed turned into villages, and then into towns and cities, there grew a rising tension between the humans, elves and the "Creatures of the Old Forest" who had lived in the region since before the time of memory. This tension eventually broke out into war, which ultimately ended in defeat for the Creatures of the Old Forest. Being masters of magic and its manipulation, the elves were able to craft sigils and talismans to counter-act the old magic of the forest, rendering the Creatures nearly helpless against the armies fighting against them.   After the war was won and the Creatures of the Old Forest defeated, the First King of the Forest united the factions of the Kingdom into what would come to be called The Kingdom of the Märchen Forest. The King of the Forest would later be referred to as The Baron, and the lineage of the title can be traced from The First King of the Forest to the current Baron of Märchen.

Demography and Population

The Märchen Forest is primarily inhabited by elves and humans; although, there are sizable populations of dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and orcs.   Humans and halflings typically inhabit the northern parts of the Kingdom, while elves can typically be found living in the central woodlands. Dwarves. gnomes, and orcs live in high percentages to the east and west near the Brokespine, Blue, and Arid Mountains.


The Märchen Rangers are the primary military force of the Märchen Forest. They play many roles in the Kingdom's peace keeping, including defense and law enforcement. The Märchen Rangers are led by the Warden of the Forest, currently Warden Aufseher.


Although the Märchen Forest does not have an official religion, religion and supersition do play a significant role in the lives of those living in the Forest. Many of the beliefs systems are rooted in folk traditions, spirit worship, and old systems of magic.   In the central and eastern parts of the Forest, many people revere and worship St. Barnabus, patron saint of healing. There is an abbey and shrine dedicated to St. Barnabus in the eastern foothills of the Forest that is maintained by the Humble Brothers of the Order of St. Barnabus. It is said that if one makes a pilgrimage to the shrine, they will be healed of all that ails them.   In the north, there are many who worship and make offerings to the Witch of the Vine. It is said that making offerings to the Witch will help to improve grape harvests and wine quality.   In the southern reaches of the Forest, primarily in a region called Crookshank Bog, people believe in a spirit called M'su Diable, who is said to be patron of chaos and good luck.

Agriculture & Industry

The primary agricultural product of the Märchen Forest is grades and wine. These are almost exclusively harvest and produced in the northern parts of the Kingdom.

Trade & Transport

Being a central crossroads for trade routes in the region, the city of Märchen is hub for commerce, banking, and trade. The Baron's Road is the primary transport means for trade in the Kingdom and has branches leading in nearly all directions out of the Forest.


The Baron's Road is the primary means in which good and people travel throughout the Kingdom. The vast network of roads connects all major cities and towns of the Kingdom with the capital and all surrounding Kingdoms and territories.
Founding Date
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Major Exports
Grapes and Wine
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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