The Republic of Sivia Organization in The Land of Volara | World Anvil

The Republic of Sivia

Sivia is one of the wealthiest realms in Volara. Sivian economy is based on cultivating the production of various goods, trade, and extracting valuable mineral resources, from the mountains of Malakath. Sivia also remains a land with highly developed agriculture, animal husbandry, and food industry. Sivia has considerable interests in the extraction of precious metals and the production of high-quality weapons resulting in good trading with Yeven the neighboring kingdom who is known to have very high grade metals mined from their mountains. The Sivian population is very polite and is one of the few kingdoms to accept representatives of non-human races. In general. This region is the home of powerful sorcerers and famous adventurers.


In the Sivian Republic the Chancellor is the highest ranking official, second to him is the Vice Chair or Vice Chancellor who aids the chancellor in different matters. Then there is the Sivian Grand Senate which consist of 100 members from different parts of Sivia. They present the problems and solutions for varying problems in the Sivia. They hold the power of the people since they are elected to become there representative. Next, is the Council of Five, They're a group consisting of 5 of the highest-ranking generals in the Sivian Army. As such, it is the highest authority in the Sivian Republics military. Each general is assigned in one of the 5 major cities of Sivia.


Sivian economy is based on cultivating the production of various goods, trade, and extracting valuable mineral resources, from the mountains of Malakath.


One of the very first countries established in the continent of Volara. Sivia started of as a monarchy but, 200 years later it was overthrown by the people who disliked the way its monarchs were ruling the lands. They established the first Republic system in Volara which the people pick who represents them.


Senate Guard

The Senate Guard are the chancellors and the senators personal bodyguards of highly skilled knights. The senate guards hold around 3000 knights guarding government buildings in the major cities.  

Sivian Army

Most of the army are foot soldiers who've volunteered for military services. They have a variation of trained spearmen, archers, knights,light cavalry, and battle mages. The Sivian currently has 80,000 active military personal and around 67,000 in reserve.  

Grand Navy of Sivia

The Grand Navy of Sivia is the third largest naval force in Volara. They hold around 300 ships. Among them are 150 Warships, 50 Battle ships, and 100 smaller vessels.
Founding Date
932 CE
Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Gold, Silver, Copper
Legislative Body
The Sivian Senate
Judicial Body
Judicial Department

Sivian Senate Guard


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