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Session 32: Clerics of Iuz?

General Summary

Our heroes had just begun their rest in the Leomund's Tiny Hut cast by Brimble Knackles and while the space was crowded in Gormundels's study, they were thankful for the respite. Finn had first watch and he settled himself for the job. As the Dwarf forge-cleric thought of smoked back-bacon and crafting the perfect hammer, the door to the adjoing room opened and he caught a flash of a human figure before the portal slammed shut. Finn immediately rousted his colleagues and they all threw their might against the door. It held fast, magically so.   After some discussion, the heroes left the room and entered the corridor only to find a newly constructed passage. It seems the passage had been "painted" into the wall and through to the adjoinin chamber from which the human figure had been seen. Mi'tsuru'gi cautiously moved through the 'new' passage into Gormundel's laboratory. Rivine and Brynnwythlinmardcaladog followed.   The laboratory had obviously been abandonded and Gormundel must have used magical paints (Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments) to paint himself an escape. He left, however, his treasure chamber exposed through an open secret door and the companions were able to retrieve a chest of many coins. After cataloging their spoils, including the magical paints, the heroes once again lay down to rest. And rest they had.   After a 'night's' rest the companions again moved south through the brigands' dungeon, further into the complex.   Back af the minor temple, our heroes sensed that people had moved throught the room since last they entered. Having previously explored the eastern door (Session 31: Brigands on the Run!), they tried that to the west. The dog-leg corridor revealed several doors along its length and as the companions inched foward a door opened and a priest of Iuz emerged. He shouted and battle was joined. More priests emptied into the corridor from their cells. One ran to the end of the hallway and and entered a hidden room. The evil priests cast dweomers that witherered and slowed the heroes, while the heroes countered with sword, arrow, and magic of their own. Soon they were able to enter the room at the end of the corridor and take the battle to the lead priest. Clad in plate, he threw his might at the heroes, spells and mace flung mightily. But the heroes prevailed as the Patriarch Priest fell, revealing the lycanthrope that he was.   The room was richly appointed, with fine carpeting, walls hung with black curtains and a small shrine containing a black candelabra and skull carved from black stone streaked by red. Notes and papers on the desk belonging to the priest named Ul-Lon write of their residence here and work to "bring Sakatha back" and encourage his embrace of the Old One. Anothe man, Waquounis, seems to have convinced Sakatha to lead his armies in battle.

Rewards Granted

5 x Priest: 2250
1 x Priest Leader: 900
  Learning Secrets & Clues:
  Total XP per PC: 650

Battling Iuzinan Clerics!

Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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