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Session 36: to battle!

General Summary

The battle with Sakatha was joined as the heroes rushed into the Lizard King's chamber. Waquonis, an agent of Iuz was at the King's right, and a lizard-vampire bride was at his left. The battle quickly turned against the heroes, despite a slew of Brimble Knackles spells cast against the enemy: Silence that disrupted Waquonis, a Fireball that sealed his doom, and a Phantasmal Force of Bigby's Hand that reduced the vampire-bride to jelly. Sakatha's power, however, was great. He dragged Brynnwythlinmardcaladog across the chamber and through the door, repeatedly driving his fangs into the Wolf Nomad's neck. Slashing blades from Rivine and flying arrows from Mi'tsuru'gi stung the Lizard-Vampire, but his regnerative powers were matchless. And when Finn and Brimble succumbed to vampire-charm, the battle was all but lost. Through with the heroes, the Lizard King left in a mist to lead his armies against Shaeja.   And indeed, journals on Waquonis, and the presence of the lizard host above, confirmed that the Lizard King's armies were on their way to the barony seat to sever the Cullen Drae bloodline and perhaps destory the town. (other notes on Waquonis discussed entreaties to the Mage of the Vale). Worried for the people of Shaeje, the heroes sent Mitsu's owl familiar to warn the baron of the coming battle. The owl should make it in time.   With Sakatha gone, the heores searched his chambers and found something most precious: a Crystal Ball, perhaps the very same used to track the heroes progress to this tomb. And they made another discovery, equally as precious, that of life. A hidden passage to a prison room revealed a score of villagers and farmers taken by the lizardmen over past weeks. These poor folk had been tortured, fed scraps at best, and many had been sacrificed on the Lizard King's altars. None were able to weild a weapon, save one man, whose face both Mitsu and Brimble recognized from Steigs Stand. He gave his name as Steno.   The heroes were bloodied and badly needed rest, and the rescued peasants were weak as well. After tending to their wounds, Brimble cast Leomund's Tiny Hut and the heroes slept, although somewhat uneasily in that undead tomb.

Missions/Quests Completed

Waquonis: 2300
Vampire Spawn x 2: 3600
Warning Shaeja: 500
  Total xp per PC: 1280

Battle in the corridor as the Lizard King confronts Brimble

Report Date
07 Aug 2023
Primary Location

A Wall of Fire cast by the Lizard King to slow his enemies


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