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Steigs Stand

The settlement is named after Steig, a Fighter of yore, perhaps apocryphal, who single-handedly slew a family of Hill Giants after they attacked along what was then a simple trail. His namesake settlement is proud of Steigs history and residents might refer to "Steig's strength" when faced with daunting odds [NB: the possessive apostrophe is not consistently used]. Steigs Stand comprises a small keep of the Knights of the Watch and associated populace including an armourer, weaponsmith, an outpost of the Thornward Miners' Guild, and sundry mercantile shops. The most popular inn is Steig's Rest (known simply as The Rest), with a taproom and stables.   The keep was badly damaged by Kettish forces during the recent wars and repairs have only recently been completed. The keep is commanded by Jacob Rogeveen (the Stalwart Manticore), a Paladin of Heironeous.


75% Human, 15% Dwarf (mountain), 5% Halfling (stout), 3% Gnome, 2% Half-Elf


Steigs is an unincorporated settlement grown up around the fort and Jacob Rogeveen is the de factor mayor, although he takes his directions from Lord Norbert Kerenna, Baron of Thornward. The Knight's garrison conduct regular patrols in the surrounding lands and maintain order for the 200 or so residents of Steigs. Important governmental functions take place in Shakara.


Keep Maintenance (120'x120') is a wooden and stone structure with two guard towers, a barbican, stables, and room for a garrison of 30.

Industry & Trade

Steigs is a long day's ride from Shakara, so many stop here on their way to Thawr and points south. Steigs caters to travellers, adventurers, and the garrison. There are two inns, Steigs Rest and The Happy Duck (only the former with a taproom), and:
  1.  two dry goods and sundry shops,
  2. mining supply,
  3. armourer
  4. weaponsmith,
  5. two blacksmiths,
  6. baker,
  7. butcher,
  8. wheelwright,
  9. carpenter,
  10. mason,
  11. clothier
  12. apothecary
  13. chandler (candles, lamp oil, pitch, etc)
  14. charcoaler (fuel for blacksmiths)
  15. cobbler
  16. doctor (quack)
  17. furrier
  18. saddler
  19. tinker, second hand repair shop...
  These are arranged on either side of the well-maintained road and a single mews, all just before the road steepens into the hills. There is also a soothsayer who plies his divinations to those in need of comfort or luck.

Guilds and Factions

There is a local representative of the Thornward Miners' Guild and a Steigs Merchants' Guild

Natural Resources

Ore from the northeast arm of the Barrier Peaks and forestry.

Steig's Stand Location


  • Bissel Regional Players' Map


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