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Session 44: Friends & Enemies

General Summary

Jollee had first watch in the wood as the party stopped to rest. His mind wandered over the events of days past: his journey down the Low Ridge Path from the Monestary of Serene Thought to Shaeje. He remembered a man he met on the road and in Jollee's reverie the man transformed into Rao, old god of reason, peace, diplomacy. Rao spoke to Jollee of his crook (the Crook of Rao) and Canon Hazen's use of this artefact to banish demons and devels from the Flanaess in CY 586. This "Flight of the Fiends" aided in the fight against Iuz and influenced the outcome of the Greyhawk Wars. Rao spoke directly to Jollee, "the fiends return and you must entreat with and convince those who bring darkness to quit Oerth. If this fails, do you what you must." At this the image of Rao faded and a large Werebear, ran into the clearing where Jollee's party slept.   The Werebear was chased by five bugbears and as the hereos emerged from Brimble Knackles Leomund's Tiny Hut they joined in battle against the goblinkind. The Buggos were quickly dealt with and then attention turned to the bear. With some trepidation, the Werebear introduced himself as Erebos, woodsman from Truelight who contracted lycanthropy several months past. Erebos had since been living in the forests around Truelight to avoid the Watchers, a fanatical sect of Pelor that includes the barony's head priests and that vows to destroy all necromancy and any other magics not aligned with light. This includes werecreatures, undead, and the like. In the last few weeks the Watchers have travelled the Barony of Nightwatch to root out what they see as unredeemable evil. Mi'tsuru'gi, uncharacteristically, opened himself to the newcomer and described his long desire to feel more a part of nature, a part of the creatures of the forest. Mitsu asked Erebos to bestow the gift of lycanthropy upon him. At first, the werebear refused, seeing his nature as a curse, but Mitsu's elequent pleas convined the bear and Erebos took the elf's arm in his maw. Mitus felt the curse move this his blood and knew he was now a lycanthrope.   Erebos agreed to travel with the party on the 'morrow to Truelight and after a night's rest the companions made they way in the forest alongside the road. Just before the entrance to the town Erebos told his new friends he could not accompany them. With The Watchers, Truelight was too dangerous for him, and he made his way into the forest, perhaps the heroes would see him again. At the town entrance the party was questioned by the militia and in particular about the need for spell casters to register with the magistrate (looking at you, Brimble).   The heroes decided to forgo quick pursuit of Travis Cullen, Baron Theordeor's son from Cullen Drae, and stayed a week at the Bell and Bellow Inn. The last time they had enjoyed such rest, must have been in Steigs Stand months past. But they did ask the landlord, Nathan Squidmer, if he knew of anyone who could speak to Travis's whereabouts. Squidmer directed the party to Star Townsend, a purveyor of secrets in the market quarter of Truelight. Intrigued, Brynnwythlinmardcaladog , Rivine , and Jollee went to find Townsend, while Mitus and Brimble stayed behind.   While walking down a wide street to the market a man in front of Rivine screamed and collapsed, a poison dart jutting from his neck. As the three scanned the rooftops, more darts flew toward them. They chased the dart thrower to building and Jollee climbed to the rooftop to confront the assailant. The battle spun around houses and rooftops with the heroes assuming they had been marked by an assassin. At street level the assassin was blur of knives and poison and though the party might have had her, she escaped across the street with lightening speed and into the alleyways of Truelight.   Back at the Bell and Bellows the three recounted their encounter to Brimble and Mitsu and all accosted the landlord, assuming he had set them up with his direction to Star Townsend. Squidmer prevaricated, he blustered, he mumbled, he sweat. And then he let out a name: Whastle Fletcher had paid him to send the heroes to Townsend.

Rewards Granted

Encounter XP
Bugbears x 5 (shared with Erebos): 1000
Driving off the Master Assassin (Rivine, Brynn, & Jollee): 2000
For playing Reindeer Games in the Bell and Bellows: 500   PC XP earned: 
Brimble & Mitsu: 400 each
Rinve, Jollee, & Brynn: 1000 each

Jollee battles a Bugbear

Report Date
23 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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