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Session 48: Free city of Dountham!

General Summary

Again, it began with a dream and while asleep in the pokey Dalys Twin Inn, Rivine dreamed of the voice coming to her. The voice spoke of a the party doing great work in the fight against Iuz and beseeched Rivein and her companions to entreat with the Master, a figure named Gorush Kar. The party could find Gorush Kar at a keep west of Dountham, Durgham's Folly, the same keep where lived Theodocius the Forger, esteemed mage. In reverie, Rivine strained to see the figure behind the voice, but her dream faded.   Another day on the road and the party thought of Bristol Femur's (Landlord of the Dalys Twin Inn) gossip: a high-level delegation in Dountham that included Stroth Anelace (cousin to Whastle Fletcher). Soon though the party came to a bridge over the Realstream and a Dount Barony tax collector with his guard. A poor planting and the upcoming expenses of the Margrave's Great Army of Bissel have the drained the barony coffers and Lord Elgars has asked his citizens to contribute for the good of the nation!   A few hours south of the river the party encounterd a riderless pony and just beyond an unconcious Halfling lying in the middle of the road. As Brynnwythlinmardcaladog went to investigate two Umber Hulks and a Bulette erupted from the earth. The monsters were possibly battling against each other, but the party presented different delicacies. The tunnellers choice proved unwise though as Rivine's battle axe, the spells of Brimble Knackles and Mi'tsuru'gi's bow were deadly, not to mention Jollee Bindo's quarterstaff strikes to the poor creatures. When the dust settled, Brynn revived the Halfling, Finch Cloak, who had no memory of being thrown from her mount, but she was greatful nonetheless. The amiable halfling was on her way to Thornward to meet up with old commrades. Brynn probed deeper and Ms Cloak did reveal that near the end of her time in Dountham, things didn't go quite as planned and she had to leave under less than comfortable circumstances. "Be sure to try the Broken Goblet for fine food and drink. Just don't mention my name to Alphira the proprietress!"   Indeed the Broken Goblet provided fine meals and comfortable beds, and Jolee Bindo found a brewing friend in the otherwise imperious landlady Alphira. The common room was full of caravan masters and the like, many in Dountham to move cargo and trade items, many too here with trading companies set to meet the Margrave's represntatives concerning trade routes and volumes. Along with the normal distractions in and around a public house (beggars, thespians, sellswords, entertainers), the hereos heard voiced the need for caravan guards and the threat of undead to the southeast. They also met an auld acquaintance, Myrdian Oakarn, priest of Fharlanghn. Myridan asked after former companions, Qira and Daktarin Stren and was saddned to hear of their demise. He also spoke of the book, the Libre Mortis, and cautioned the party of its great evil and its potential significance in the fight against Iuz. He advised the party to seek the advice of a mage with knowledge of necromancy, and a powerful one at that. With a pause, the cleric suggested that given his wide magical knowledge, Theodocius the Forger might offer sage advice.   As the common room emptied towards the end of the night, the companions were approached by slight woman of a pessimistic disposition. Trina, for that was her name, sought to hire the group as caravan guards to accompany her and a wagon of supplies to her wizard master east of Dountham. The party agreed a cut-rate, all Trina could afford, to go with her and goods to Durgam's Folly and her master Theodocius.

Rewards Granted

2 x Umber Hulk (modified): 3800
1 x Bullette: 1800
  Exploring and Revealing the World:

Total per PC: 1140

A Brace of Tunnelers Defeated!

Report Date
12 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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