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Daktarin Stren

Daktarin Stren

Born into the minor noble family of House Stren, Daktarin has spend his entire life immersed within the martial traditions and court politics of the Gran March. The family is lead by his ailing grandfather, Lord Donwric Stren and, up until recently, the heir apparent was Daktarin's own father (and the only son of Donwric), Rainier Stren. At 15, like all males of the Gran March, Daktarin was conscripted into military service, stationed in the border regions of Geoff, where he cut his teeth skirmishing with the giants and orcs occupying this area. Daktarin's father (Rainier) was a prominent member of the Knights watch, manning a fort near the Fais(?) River Pass for some years, leading cross-border incursions and defensive actions against the Baklunish hordes of Ket.   7 months ago, Daktarin received word that his squiring was near complete and that his knighthood ceremony would be conducted by his father at the seat of their noble house, Strensall. Daktarin and Rainier both applied for leave from their respective postings and resolved to meet in one month's time at their home. Daktarin, arriving first, decided to meet his father at the border of their domain to welcome him (as is tradition within the family). Only Rainier would never make it home.   Upon reaching the outer bounds of Strensall, Daktarin came across the corpse of his father, peppered with distinctive, red feathered Baklunish arrows. Distraught, Daktarin carried his fathers body back to his family's hold, at which an impromptu funeral was held the next day. Resolved to avenge his father's death, Daktarin pleaded with his grandfather to use his connections within the Gran March to grant him a leave of absence in order to purse his vengeance. His wish was granted, with a condition imposed by his grandfather that he would only receive his knighthood on completion of this task. His grandfather gave him Rainier's sword as an aid in his journey, and sent him on his way.   With only the distinctive red feathered Baklunish arrows as a clue in his quest, set off. Tracking these killers northward, into Bissel. 2 months ago, the trail of leads he was following went cold. He now finds himself rudderless and seething in somewhere near Stiegs Stand....


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