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Session 54: Interview with a Fiend, part deux

General Summary

The party gazed at the shaft to a lower dungeon level and thought that before investigating it might be wise to look closely at the items retrieved from Durgan's tomb. Brimble Knackles's spell revealed a dweomer emmanating from Durgan's chainmail (+2) and sword, while the whistle found by Rivine also cast a magical glow. By focusing intently on the items Rivine learned that the weapon was the Sword of Pholex and Mi'tsuru'gi held the Call of the Eagle Lords. Uli donned the magical chainmail.   Next, cautiously (oh, so cautiously) the Reluctant Heroes climed down the sarcophagus shaft and into the lower levels of Durgan's dungeon. They passed a series of statues in a long hallway with three doors. Behind the first was a dark chamber with a summoning circle made upon the floor. A crumpled figure lay against the far wall and a table with papers and books stood opposite. The figure was Theodocius and he had been killed by a magical blast of lighting to his chest. Trina mourned the loss of her mentor. The table held books titled "Call of the Pit" and "Eclavdra's Summons". Brimble had heard of Eclavdra, a famous Drow priestess of Lolth and fomer consort to Graz'zt. Brimble also scooped up a scroll resting next to the books.   The second door led to a recently consecrated temple to Graz'zt. Inspection revealed nothing except an aura of evil and a black altar.   As the heroes re-entered the corridor, a handsome fiend stepped from the last door. This was Goresh Kar and he apologized for keeping the heroes so long. The fiend relayed that Theodocius had been summoning various demons and devils and he could have resisted the summons, but was curious, especially as he was currently in Grazz’t’s court and the Voice of Graz'zt bade him investigsate. Theodocius tried to bind Goresh Kar and the fiend had no choice but to destroy the wizard and then proceeded to examine his dungeon. The fiend took his form and took command of the keep. The Voice of Graz'zt told Goresh kar of the Reluctant Heores and the Liber Mortis, including its power, and charged him with a task, now at hand.   Goresh Kar asked the heroes destroy the Liber Mortis. To do so, an arcane spell caster of good alignment must attune to the book in a temple of Graz'zt. The book must remain in the possession of the caster and be ‘unbound’. In this state at a point in the future, the caster must use a gifted scroll to cast Summon Celestial (Avenger) and ask for the Angel's aid. Before the spell ends, the caster and his allies must betray the Angel's trust and kill it and then bathe the Libre Mortis in the dying Angel's blood. This will destroy the Black Book. Goresh Kar made clear that until the book was destroyed, The Dark Prince would be watching.   The fiend gifted a medallion to Mitsu which would allow the elf to communicate with Goresh Kar, should the need arise. The fiend also rested the heroes, refilling the souls with energy and health (and what else?). The casters, Trina and Brimble, looked at each other and Brimble stepped forward to say that he would take on this task. With Goresh Kar's urging, the party moved to the temple and the stern gnome of the Bramblewood read the Liber Mortis. After several hours Brimble was done. He had been hurt in the process and his view of life forever changed. But he had also gained power, spells, and dominion over the unliving. Would he survive until the book could be destroyed?   After this, the fiend said his farewells and that he hoped to meet again. With a wink at Rivine, Goresh Kar stepped into a hole between planes and was gone.   With this new charge the heroes exited the dungeons, but first had to battle the six statues they passed on the way in as these came to life after Jolee Bindo passed the first rank. Then it was to the surface to rescue Sinew, another of Theodocius's acolytes imprisoned above. Upon reaching the cells however, they found the young man dead, but not alone, for the keep was now seeminly overrun with undead and four Barrow Wights were the first to die at the party's hands.   What horrors wait in the upper levels?

Rewards Granted

Caryatid Column x 6: 2700
Barrow Wights x 4: 3200
Agreeing to Goresh Kar's offer: 4000 (should really just go to Brimble Knackles...)
Attempted rescue of jailed Sinew: 500   Exploration
Learning of Bloodrock Pass & the Boneheart: 500
  Total XP per PC: 2430

Goresh Kar gestures to the Temple of Graz'zt

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
04 Jun 2024
Primary Location
by Patricia Pillay

Battling Barrow Wights in the Keep


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