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Session 56: friends left and friends made

General Summary

The party left Theodocius's keep behind them, and Trina and Uli too, and walked up the path into the thinning forest and the peaks of the Barriers. The goal was to reach Gnome Valley, the domain of Laird Gwaylar and his people, and with hope, a safe haven while they search for the Caverns of Tsojcanth, and perhaps other areas of treasure and peril.   Within a few hours walk, a figure approached with the gait and costume of their friend Maru, a woodsman who helped in the initial attack on the keep. But a few moments only was needed to recognize that the croaking figure was not Maru, or at least Maru no longer. His flesh was rotting and one could see his ribs and long bones jutting through skin as he spat out a charge that the party "had not chosen wisely". As 'Maru' strode toward the companions Mi'tsuru'gi knocked an arrow, and ghasts, companions of the once-friend emerged from the trees. Battle arose with Maru and his ghasts lunging at the heroes. Maru was even able to 'resurrect' a ghast after it had been destroyed, but in time the undead were unmade by blade and arrow and spell. A search of the loathsome bodies recovered odds and ends, a map to the hoard of Pholex (see Sword of Pholex and Session 54: Interview with a Fiend, part deux), and the tell-tale sign of Iuz, a skull, imprinted upon Maru's chain shirt.   Wondering at the confluence of undead, fiends, and the downfall of Theodocius, the party continued up the trail, its grade steepening silghly and the trees continuing to thin. Near day's end, with Mitsu at point, a large figure moved behind a tree ahead. The party stopped on the trail and waited. A large blue-grey skinned ranger emerged from the behind the tree, a firbolg. His companion made himself visible on the other side of the trail and the giant-fey introduced themselves: Ralona and Slyric. Ralona, talkative for a firbolg, seemed to enjoy speaking with the companions, a short break from hunting for their enclave. Mitsu and Rivine  joined in conversation while Jolee Bindo stood by and Brimble Knackles disguised himself as a bush. Ralona spoke much of use to the party: he examined the Old Bakunish map and noted points of interest; the gnomes had closed their borders to outsiders, but with diplomacy and news of the world, friendship with the tinker-folk might be gained; mountain men too, if encountered, were likely vassals of the Laird and might be useful allies; a halfling adventuring party had passed this way some weeks ago as well and they seemed to be treasure hunters like yourselves, no disrespect intended. As the firbolgs and companions parted ways, the giantkind mentioned a nice cave some leagues up the trail in which the party might rest easy for the night. And they did (afte finding a decomposing member of The Big Feet).   A further day of travel brought the party up into the mountains and by the end of the day they were weary and thinking of shelter. But then the howl and bark of gnolls came to them from the trees ahead. Before the ravenous hyena creatures were seen, five horrific abberations floated down the path, bulbous jellyfish sacks floated 6 feet from the ground, trailing tentacles and tendrils. The eerie creatures moved silently, but upon seeing Rivine they converged upon the hal-elf and slammed into her, flailing their tentacles to grapple and stun. At the same time the gnolls giving chase flew from the trees and hurled javelins at the party. A melee of these terrestrial jellyfish, gnols and adventurers erupted with all attacking all. When the abberations were pierced their blood spewed forth, sizzling and burning with acid. The gnolls whooped and howled. The pary fought on.   Towards twilight the battle ended and the party stood victorious at the edge of the Barrier Peaks.

Rewards Granted

6 x Ghast (armoured): 3300
1 x Maurezhi (armoured): 3200
5 x Belabra: 3500
4 x Gnoll: 400
1 x Gnoll Fang: 1100
Parlay with the Firbolgs: 1000
The cave: 100
  Total XP per PC: 3175

A cave in which to spend the night...

Report Date
15 Jul 2024
Primary Location


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