Gren'grendy Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


In the night sky, and sometimes the day, of the Leitan Peninsula, a celestial wonder slowly transits the heavens. Appearing about four times larger than Liorba, one of its sister moons, Gren'grendy captures the imaginations of The Peninsula's inhabitants as it slowly meanders imposing its mesmerizing presence.


Gren'grendy boasts a diameter and mass significantly greater than Liorba, helping to contribute to its grandiose appearance. Its surface, dotted with craters, mountain ranges, and vast plains, reflects the soft glow of the sun, but a material in the mantle of the gigantic moon defracts it. With Gren'grendy's color palette shifted subtly, it projects a myriad of hues to the surface of The Peninsula ranging from silvery whites to enchanting hues of lavender and even gold as it traverses its ecentric orbit.

Ecosystem Cycles

Orbiting The Peninsula in a complicated dance, Gren'grendy completes a full revolution every 60 days. This extended and highly eccentric orbital period creates a unique rhythm for inhabitants across the Peninsula, who use orblight to work, navigate, or travel at night. They almost care more about marking the passing of time by the phases of Gren'grendy than the more traditional Liorba.
The moon's cycle begins with a breathtaking full moon, bathing the landscape in an ethereal radiance that illuminates even the darkest corners of The Peninsula. When Gren'grendy is full, the darkest part of night is about as bright as the hour bracketing sunset. The variance comes from Gren'grendy's highly eliptical orbit. When closest to The Peninsula, Gren'grendy appears about four times as large as Liorba. When at its farthest point in orbit, Gren'grendy appears only slightly larger than Liorba.
As Gren'grendy waxes and wanes, its changing size and luminosity became a source of wonder and inspiration for those who gaze upon it. During its full phase, Gren'grendy's brilliance is so intense that it casts shadows, even in the dead of night. In contrast, during its crescent phases, the her glow paints the skies with a delicate luminescence, creating an enchanting ambiance whose color changes with the angle to the observer.

Localized Phenomena

The other two moons in orbit, Liorba and Krinard, introduce gravitational perterbations to the intricate and dynamic celestial dancing. Krinard, the smallest, dashes to and fro with an orbital period of 5 days. Liorba, the middle sized moon, has a period of 30 days and the gromalion tally was created to align with her period.
When you lay all three of their paths before you, a hypnotizing rhythm enchants you as it navigates the night sky with lights, shadows, and gradients.


The atmosphere on Gren'grendy is normal, if not a bit too humid. Like her sister, Liorba, Gren'grendy's gravity is the same as the surface of The Peninsula.
Gren'grendy posesses a very thick cloud cover in the upper atmosphere and a hazy to misty ground level atmosphere. Atomized chromatite, a material abuntant in the mantle, is suspended in this misty atmosphere and color shifts the sky.
Temperature ranges from the upper 80s (in Farenheit) down to the mid 30s (also in Farenheit). This mist in the air changes with the temperature; a pogonip when cold and a sticky haze when hot.


Cosmologically Gren'grendy, like her sister moons Liorba and Krinard is a plane of existence that is visible from The Peninsula. Yet it is also a remote physical location in the world.
Game Information
This distinction makes it reachable by spells similar to teleport and teleport without error. However it is also an inner plane and therefore reachable by spells like planeshift, gate, astral projection, and traveling to the near etherial.


Gren'grendy is no stranger to folk tales and myths. One of the oldest is that the eldritch power Tee lives on her surface. Gren'grendy is often seen as steadying force and a firm foundation because of the legends equating the geography of The Peninsula with Tee.
Other folklore believes Gren'grendy's steadiness to be related to fidelity. It is a common practice for marriages to be performed when Gren'grendy is full. This is done to help ensure fidelity between the married.
Another myth speaks of the Glimmering Veil. This is a mysterious phenomenon that occurs when the orblight from Gren'grendy strikes a misty hollow just right on The Peninsula. According to ancient lore the glimmering veil is an enchantment woven by spirits of the greedy beings who stole too much from the earth. When conditions are just right, a dimensional gate is opened a a spot on Gren'grendy is colocated with a spot on The Peninsula and one may travel between the two worlds. The path between the two worlds is one of surreal landscapes, ethereal beings, and the echoes of forgotten dreams. It is a realm of dreams and illusions, where time flows differently, and reality is shaped by the thoughts and desires of those who enter. The veil is a gateway to a pocket dimension, where the laws of physics are suspended, and the boundaries between imagination and reality blur. However, the veil is fickle, and not all who attempt to cross it find their way back to Gren'grendy or The Peninsula.
"Literally the worsty worst. My hair was frizzy for 60 straight days. Hair so bad I was afraid they my take away my paladin card."
— Juulute Wolfheart
Distance from The Peninsula to Gren'grendy:
386,000 miles
Planetary Radius:
2500 miles
Surface Area:
78,500,000 miles2
Length of Day:
1440 hours
Surface Temperature:
1.98x1023 pounds
Alternative Name(s)
Planetoid / Moon


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