Krinard Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


The mystical tapestry of The Peninsula's night sky is graced by the moon Krinard. She is a celestial marvel with an intriguing duality. With a swift and arhythmic orbit, Krinard completes a full revolution around The Peninsula every 4.2 days, marking its passage with a series of enchanting phases despite being only half the size of her sister moon, Liorba.


The surface of Krinard is an otherworldly landscape that preys upon the subconcious fears of visitors. Walking across Krinard one immediately notices its appearance is dominated by an eerie and surreal ambiance. The landscape is characterized by jagged, obsidian-like rocks that jut out from the moon's surface, casting long shadows in the dim light.
The ground is covered in a fine layer of ash-like substance, giving the terrain an ashen and desolate feel. Strange, phosphorescent plants with bioluminescent hues sporadically dot the landscape, providing an eerie glow in the moon's perpetual twilight.
One of the most prominent features of Krinard is a series of deep chasms and crevices that seem to lead into the moon's core. These openings are said to be gateways to the Neitherworld, adding an air of mystique and danger to the moon. The edges of these chasms are adorned with intricate carvings and symbols, hinting at the ancient lore surrounding Krinard's role as a portal to that dark and grim place.


Orbiting the peninsula once every 4.2 days makes the location of Krinard a complicated motion at best. While the orbits of the other two moons is easily predictable and aligned with the widely used calendar, gromalion tally, the orbit of Krinard is almost considered random by inhabitants of The Peninsula.

Localized Phenomena

Occasional bursts of arcane energy erupt from the moon's surface, creating mesmerizing displays of light that dance across the landscape. These phenomena are believed to be manifestations of the outsider forces associated with the gateway to the underworld.
The other two moons in orbit, Liorba and Gren'grendy, introduce gravitational perterbations to the idelicate orbits. Gren'grendy, the largest of the three, lumbers steadily across the sky. Liorba, the middle sized moon, has a period of 30 days and the gromalion tally was created to align with her period.
When you lay all three of their paths before you, a hypnotizing rhythm enchants you as it navigates the night sky with lights, shadows, and gradients.


The atmosphere on Krinard is thick, heavy, and clinging. It is composed of gases that give the moon a shadowy surreal appearance. Shadows seem to move on their own accord, contributing to the surreal and mystical atmosphere that envelops the entire moon.
A constant wind is present on the surface of Krinard. More than a gentle breeze, but less than a strong wind, it continually blows in the direction of the nearest great cravase. Furthermore, it's a damp cold chilling wind. Continually ushering you toward the unknown in the depths of the chasms.
Like the other two moons in the Leitan system, Krinard has Peninsula normal gravity. That is few can notice any difference in gravity on Krinard from that on the surface of The Peninsula.
Temperature ranges from the low 60s (in Farenheit) down to below 0 (also in Farenheit). The chilling effect of these temperature is amplified by the ever present wind.


Cosmologically Krinard, like her sister moons Liorba and Gren'grendy is a plane of existence that is visible from The Peninsula. Yet it is also a remote physical location in the world.
Game Information
This distinction makes it reachable by spells similar to teleport and teleport without error. However it is also an inner plane and therefore reachable by spells like planeshift, gate, astral projection, and traveling to the near etherial.


Known as both the Watcher and the Waiter, Krinard earns its monikers from the unique characteristics it exhibits during its wanderings in the heavens. Its surface is bathed in a silver-blue glow, and intricate patterns resembling ancient symbols adorn its celestial visage.
As the Watcher, Krinard is ever vigilant. Its gaze upon The Peninsula below eternal. During its full phase, the moon's radiant light illuminates the landscapes with an intensity that seemed to pierce the shadows if not overpowered by artificial light sources. In this state, Krinard became a celestial guardian, casting a watchful eye over The Peninsula and its denizens. The beings of The Peninsula often feel a sense of reassurance and protection during a full Krinard, as if Krinard itself were keeping watch over their dreams, endeavors, and trials.
Conversely, during its crescent phases, Krinard transforms into the Waiter. As it gracefully wanes, its glow softens and creates a more subdued ambiance. It is said that during these phases, Krinard patiently awaits the unfolding of destiny and the turning of the cosmic wheel. The Waiter phase is associated with contemplation, preparation, and the anticipation of events yet to come.
“No one ever believes that this world is being watched. Watched keenly and closely by intelligences far greater than those posessed by man, dwarf, even elf.”
— Hawkeye G. Wells - Prophet/ Bard
Distance from The Peninsula to Krinard:
65,500 miles
Planetary Radius:
600 miles
Surface Area:
4,523,890 miles2
Length of Day:
4 hours
Surface Temperature:
-10 to +60℉
3.24x1027 pounds
Alternative Name(s)
Todonak, The Watcher, The Waiter
Planetoid / Moon


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