Liorba Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


Liorba is a captivating moon that gracefully orbits the world that the The Leitan Peninsula sits upon. As it makes its way across the night sky it is surrounded by a celestial dance of two other moons. As the second-largest moon in this lunar trio, Liorba completes a full orbit around its parent planet in a period of 30 days.


Liorba's surface is a mesmerizing blend of rugged landscapes and serene plains. Its terrain is marked by ancient craters, vast plains, and towering mountains, creating a diverse and intriguing topography. The moon's surface is bathed in a soft, silver glow during the night, courtesy of the sun that serves as its primary light source.

Ecosystem Cycles

With Liorba's 30 day period, the moon is a perfect indicator of the current month's passing. The moon is new on the 1st of the month and full on the 15th. The slow witted often exclaim that this is a wonderful coincidence, but those in the know recognize that in all likelihood those that set up the calendar proceeded with this in mind.

Localized Phenomena

The gravitational interactions between Liorba and the other two moons contribute to a dynamic celestial choreography. The smallest moon, Krinard, with a period of 5 days, zips across the night sky in a rapid orbit, providing a brief but frequent celestial spectacle. Its presence is characterized by swift transitions between phases, creating a sense of urgency in the nightly lunar panorama.
On the opposite end of the temporal spectrum, the third moon, Gren'grendy, boasts a more leisurely orbit with a period of 60 days. This moon moves slowly across the heavens, casting a gentle, prolonged glow over the landscape during its extended cycles. The combination of these varying lunar periods creates a mesmerizing celestial rhythm, enhancing the nightly sky with a harmonious interplay of light and shadow.
Observers on the planet below are treated to a captivating show as the three moons interact with each other, creating a unique and ever-changing starscape. The periodic alignments and conjunctions of these moons add an extra layer of wonder to the night sky, providing inhabitants with a constant source of inspiration, awe, and wonder. However, Liorba with its 30-day orbit, stands as a prominent participant in the celestial mechanics, contributing its own distinct charm to the captivating display.


Despite rumors to the contrary, there is an atmosphere similar to The Peninsula's on Liorba. Furthermore, gravity is nearly identical to that at the surface of The Peninsula.
One of the first things noticed about the climate on Liorba is a lack of a discernible sky. The stars, planets, and other celestial bodies typically only visible at night on The Peninsula are never obfuscated by the light of the sun. Instead, a varying level of silver light is continually present on Liorba's surface. The light is at its brightest when the moon is full and nearly absent when the moon is new.
A profound stillness is present on much of the surface. No winds blow, no rain falls, and the temperature never changes. It is always not quite warm enough to lose your chill, but never cool enough to keep you from being uncomfortably warm.

Fauna & Flora


While not necessarily indigenous to the surface of Liorba, it is worth noting that lycanthropes are tied to the phases of Liorba and not the other two moons of The Peninsula. A lycanthrope exposed to the light of a full Liorba must transform into their were beast form.

Liorban Nymphs

One of the wonders and terrors of Liorba is the Liorbian Nymph. Similar to the woodland nymphs that inhabit the remote wooded features on the surface of The Peninsula, Liorbian Nymphs are solitary inhabitants of the remote areas of the moon.

Soma Grass

Soma grass is a common flora on Liorba's surface, but it it truly remarkable for the powers found in nectar harvested from its flowers. A small amount properly harvested, prepared, and stored can prepare healing and antidote potions. A large amount when distilled properly is a component in longevity potions.

Orb Bunnies

There is an old tale of rabbits sacrificing themselves to feed hungry miasmen. The gods were so touched by the rabbit's self-sacrifice that they moved their decendants to Liorba and made them immortal. It's more likely that they graze on Soma Grass and that has life extention properties.


Cosmologically Liorba is a plane of existence that is visible from The Peninsula. Yet it is also a remote physical location in the world.
Game Information
This distinction makes it reachable by spells similar to teleport and teleport without error. However it is also an inner plane and therefore reachable by spells like planeshift, gate, astral projection, and travelling to the near etherial.


Across The Peninsula there are many myths and beliefs related to Liorba. Liorba's waxing and waning have made if prominant in calendar creation, myths of change, parables or repetitive cycles, and alegory for birth, life, and death.
People of The Peninsula also believe that moonlight has a powerful effect on behavior. The rare disease of Lycanthropy has certainly had some impact on this belief. Many people who have begun acting oddly are diagnosed as orbstruck due to behaviorial changes from Liorban light exposure. In general there is no truth to this beiief.
Finally there is a widespread folktale that Liorba is actually the eldrich power Pa. This belief is what often times leads to the association of Liorba with health, healing, and the circle of life.
"I wish I could stab in the throat whoever started the belief that people die from the rays of the Liorba. Everyone knows that no one named Ray ever lived on Liorba."
— Night Reaver
Distance from The Peninsula to Liorba:
240,000 miles
Planetary Radius:
1200 miles
Surface Area:
18,095,600 miles2
Length of Day:
24 hours
Length of Day:
24 hours
Surface Temperature:
1.61x1023 pounds
Alternative Name(s)
Planetoid / Moon


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