Master Councilor Rank/Title in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Master Councilor

This is the leader of The Cardinal Cartel and thus The Gromelon Consortium. Their executive power is held in check by the 16 directors of the cartel. Incidentally they are the sole leader of the capitol city Groměsto. The remainder of the Cardinal Cartel have no political power in city affairs.


The Master Councilor and the other 4 supernumeraries on The Cardinal Cartel are appointed by the 16 Directors. A vote of 3/4, 12 presently, by the permanent cartel seat is required to be appointed to this role.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Master Councilor serves at the will of the cartel. Any member of the cartel may call a vote leadership. If any one individual, including the seated Master Councilor, that individual is the new Master Councilor.   It should be noted that any individual, that is not a Director of the Cardinal Cartel, may be elected as Master Councilor or any of the other 4 supernumeraries, but no individual may hold more than 1 position concurently.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Master Councilor
Source of Authority
The guilds of The Gromelon Consortium
Length of Term
At the will of The Cardinal Cartel


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