Gromalion Consortium Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Gromalion Consortium (Grawm-a-LEE-on)

The Gromalion consortium is an empire based upon trade.  An friend to all nations, but an ally to none. Furthermore it is a nation of wondorous advanced technology that surpasses most of the technology in The Peninsula. Mechanical constructs and items are fused and imbued with magical powers that leave those from outside the nation in awe.


The Gromalion Consortium is situated in the east bordering on the Eastern Confines. With few threats ever emerging from the confines, they provide an excellent eastern border for the region. A diverse and resouce rich landscape, including lush forestss, fertile farmland, opulent mountains, and rolling hills provides the basics for this country to churn out products and commodities to fuel an economic juggernaut.

Natural Resources


There is a metal deep within the bowels of Mount Norfeat that has antigravity properties. When properly smelted and charged with appropriate spells, the alloy has two very desirable charactaristics. These are the abilty to lift a large mass of other organic materials and an ability to ride the etherial currents that flow in the peninsula and planes. There is no other known source of the metal in the penisula and the Gromalon Consortium closely guards the secrets to processing the ore and charging the alloy.


Articles under Gromalion Consortium

  • 9623 b.g.t.

    Founding of Grommodal

    Grommodal is founded and recognized as the ancient capitol of the Gromalion consortium.

  • 7824 b.g.t.

    Founding of Rovina

    The town of Rovana is founded in what is to become the Gromalion Consortium.

  • 7769 b.g.t.

    Founding of Hornaty

    Hornaty is recognized as more than a mere trade outpost and as the city it has evolved into. It provides much needed mineral resources to Grommodal to the north.

  • 2824 b.g.t.

    Zalesněný is Founded
  • 1200 b.g.t.

    Dog Hollow encampment founded.

    The village of Hollow is founded by retiring adventurers. They recognize the need for a resupply camp for adventurers journying into the Deep Cthonic via Dog Hollow Pike.
    Historical note: The Pike was named prior to the mountain peak, and both were named prior to the founding of the village.

  • 801 b.g.t.

    Liftalloy Discovered beneath Mount Norfeat
    Discovery, Scientific

    Mount Norfeat
  • 102 b.g.t.

    Founding of Groměsto
  • 89 b.g.t.

    First Aviaflair Sails the Sky's of Gromalion
    Discovery, Scientific
  • 1 g.t.

    Establishment of the Cardinal Cabal
    Gathering / Conference

  • 1 g.t.

    The Gromalion Consortium is Officially Established and Recognized
  • 2 g.t.

    Oculus Bancshares Possessorship Established and Recognized
    Financial Event

    The former Oculus and Toffid Mercantile reforms as Oculus Bancshares Possessorship. Tam Oculus and Val Toffid successfully get the newly formed Cardinal Cabal to make their banking partnership the official bank of the consortium, irrevokably and independantly.

  • 10 g.t.

    Gromalion Aviagalleys Establish 1st Arial Trade Routes
    Financial Event
  • 12 g.t.

    Oculus Bancshares Statutory Trust and Holdings Founded
    Financial Event

    To enable operations outside the legal borders of the Gromalion Consortium, the Oculus Bancshares Statutory Trust and Holdings is established.

  • 6014 g.t.

    The Cardinal Cartel outlaws necromancy and supports heavily in demonic/angelic/outsider magic.
    Political event

    In a 19 to 1 vote, with one abstention, Cardinal Cartel outlaws necromancy within the Gromalion Consortium.

  • 6380 g.t.

    Gromalion Alchemists Develop Gunpowder
    Discovery, Scientific


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