Groměsto Settlement in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Groměsto (grahm-EES-to)

Groměsto is the capital of the Gromalion Consortium, the trade capital of the peninsula, and the banking centre of the peninsula.


Gromesto is a city of about 130,000. It is one of the largest cities on the peninsula. All races of the peninsula are well represented:
  • Humans - 62%
  • Dwarves - 10% - Mostly mountain dwarves
  • Elves - 10% - Mostly wood elves
  • Halflings - 5%
  • Half Elves - 5%
  • Gnomes - 3% - Mostly hill gnomes
  • Half Orcs - 2%
  • Half-Ogres - 1%
  • Other Races - 4%


As the capital of The Gromalion Consortium, the leader of The Cardinal Cartel serves as the Lord Mayor, though retains the title of Master Councilor, of the city. Typically most responsibility and authority is delegated to appointed several wardens, but ultimately the Master Councilor's word is law.

Industry & Trade

At the heart of Groměsto's success is its booming economy driven by the fusion of medieval craftsmanship with advanced steampunk technology. Steam-powered shops, airship docks, and coal mines have transformed the nation into a formidable industrial giant. Groměsto's prosperity comes from the production of precision clockwork mechanisms, ornate brass and copper gadgets, and sophisticated automata. The Clockwork Court, a guild of mechanical artisans, is one of the leading trade organizations responsible for exporting Groměsto and Consortium innovations to other nations, making the country a hub of economic activity.


Orange Grove Trziste - Elven District

Orange Grove Trziste, or plaza, is the area of Groměsto where the average elf living in the city dwells or operates a shop. It is also the district where elf leaning half-elves will tend to gather.

Mainspring Mall - Gnome Quarter

Gnome residences, merchants, and workshops are generally found on the Mainspring Mall. The Mall is one of the oldest districts in Groměsto. Gnome tinkers and artificers are some of the most respected and sought out individuals in the city.

Kegstrap Bottom - Dwarf Quarter

Known throughout the peninsula for their smithing skills, dwarves and the best smith tend to be located in Kegstrap Bottom.

Rotgut Way - The Slums

Rotgut Way is a neglected and overlooked ward in Groměsto. The buildings and infrastructure tend to be in a constant state of disrepair. Leaky roofs, broken windows, and crumbling walls are a constant sight. The bridges connecting Rotgut Way to the rest of the city are in terrible disrepair.
Large concentrations of half-orc and half-orgre residents embrace the isolation from the rest of the city and tend to make their homes and shops in this district.

The Unwound - Necropolis and the Temples

One of the higher hills int the city, the Unwound is home to most of the temples in the city and the city maintained cemetary and graveyard.

Pier Threeskins - Tanners and Dyers

Pier Threeskins, or Threeskins and sometimes The Skins, is the home to Groměsto's vibrant and lively hide tanning artisans as well as those that have ventured into dying leather and other fabrics. Few within the city consider either of these trade outside the Skins because of the powerful aroma that is produced as a side effect of the tanning and curing process.
A small bridge spans a channel between the skins and the unwould. It is remakably well maintained and guarded for such a bridge is such an unusual place. Though the original purpose and name of the bridge has been lost over the years, the common name for the bridge today is Amblin's Arch.

Clairity Court - Jewlers, Gemcutters, and Goldsmiths

Located near the Civic District, the luxury items created, sold, and traded here make the transportation of wealth lighter and more compact.

Soot Cellar - Weaponsmiths and Armorers

Though the finest, and most expensive, smiths can be found in Kegstrap Bottom. Smiths of all qualities can be found in the Soot Cellar district.

The Song and Pallet - Artisans and Performers

Looking for a safe, respected, and quality inn or tavern? Then you go to the Song and the Pallet district in Groměsto. Street entertainers, fireside stories from bards, gourmet meals, and the best drink in the city can all be found quite easily in the Song and the Pallet district.

Fort Stoic - Foreign Services and Diplomats

Fort Stoic is a well manicured boulevard near central Groměsto. Mansions that resemble small keeps with small armies line the streets. Each one representing the political powers of the peninsula. Diplomats and visiting dignitaries walk the street escorted by a personal protection detail in many cases. Few individuals with nefarious. ambitions of a quick coin consider making the population of Fort Stoic their targets.

Bayside Row - Ports, Docks, and Piers

Groměsto's waterfront is a halmark of modern maritime trade and transportation on the surface and a hive of secret dealings and manipulation just below the thin vernieer on the surface.

Skodget Heights - Airship Docks

Skodget is the highest hill in the city and has evolved into the docks of the new age of travel. Airship. Much like airship travel, Skodget Heights has become ornate, excessive, and borderline flamboyant.

Yipparnel Acres - Merchant Prince District

While most of the peninsula's ruling class are nobility by birth and heredity, Groměsto's ruling class are all self made leaders where strength is determined by economic success and technological innovation. Those captains of industry and trade that aspire to it, establish small villas in Yipparnel Acres and live as princes in other states.

Rowmog Bazaar - Market District

Rowmog Bazzar is the model for markets throughout the peninsula. Organized, well policed, and well stocked, Rowmog is the place to get what you need. Unfortunately it is also one of the most expensive, due to excessive fees and taxes, places to buy something in all of the peninsula.

Cardinal Vault - Civic District

At the far end of Fort Stoic is a small district walled off from the rest of the city. This is The Cardinal Vault, home and office to The Cardinal Cabal. The entire Gromalion Consortium is run and regulated from this small city within a city.

Points of interest

The Clockwork College is a renowened institution dedicated to the study, advancement, and application of steampunk and clockwork technology and craftsmanship.


Steampunk towers and spires made of brass, copper, and iron dominate Groměsto's skyline. These structures house enormous clockwork gears and machinery serving various functions, from generating power to producing steam for transportation.
While the city has keeps, castles and other fortifications, they have been reimagined with steampunk technology and archetecture. Castles with retractable walls, steam actuated drawbridges, and intricate clockwork defenses add to the general sense of wonder in the city.
Residential areas consist of Victorian-style townhouses with intricate, gear-themed embellishments. Copper pipes and steam vents protrude from the buildings, carrying steam, primitivate electricity and other utilities throughout the city.


Groměsto is situated on the coast of a sprawling fertile savannah. To the south is Baneleary Passage and Drumdury Bay. The city proper sits on a huge slab of bedrock that provides a stable and solid foundation for the cities love of spires and clock towers.


Groměsto has a temperate maritime climate, which is greatly influenced by Drumdury Bay and the warm currents of the Banelary Passage. The climate is characterized by mild temperatures, relatively high humidity, and frequent rainfall. Summarizing som of the climate specifics in Groměsto:
Mild Winters
Winters in Groměsto are generally mild, with average temperatures ranging from 40°F to 50°F. Groměsto rarely experiences extreme cold, and snowfall is infrequent.
Cool Summers
Summers are also mild, with average temperatures ranging from 60°F to 70°F. While Groměsto and the surrounding region can experience occasional heatwaves, temperatures rarely exceed 80°F. The moderating influence of Drumdury Bay keeps extreme heat from creeping into the city.
High Humidity
Groměsto's proximity to the ocean ensures high humidity levels throughout the year. This contributes to the frequent occurrence of overcast and rainy days. However in all the seasons except winter, humidity is also responsible for the lush, green landscapes for which the surrounding savannah is famous.
Rainfall is a significant feature of Groměsto's climate. The city experiences rainfall fairly evenly distributed throughout the year wxcept during the winter dry season.
Atlantic Storms
Groměsto is susceptible to frequent stors rolling up the Banelary Passage, especially during the spring and summer months. These storms can bring strong winds and heavy rainfall, sometimes leading to flooding in the city's coastal districts.
Variable Weather
The weather in Groměsto can be quite changeable, with frequent cloud cover and sudden shifts from sunshine to rain. It's often said that you can experience multiple seasons in a single day.
Coastal and maritime fog can occur, particularly along the docks and ports. Occasionally the fog reaches further into the city and blankets all but the highest peaks and hills within the city.
Groměsto's climate is best described as a temperate maritime climate with mild temperatures, high humidity, and ample rainfall. While it may not be known for its sunny, hot summers, its climate is well-suited for the surrounding rich, green landscapes, and it plays a significant role in shaping the Groměsto's culture and the natural beauty that drive its mechanical and automa contribitions to greater Gromalion.
Founding Date
102 b.g.t.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under Groměsto

Cover image: The Gromesto Skyline by Blutfort with Generative AI


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