Angels Species in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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If you are lucky, they will look like us. But likely not. The servants of the Heavens come in many forms, some of which are incomprehensible.   A man holding a flaming sword. A beautiful woman with the head of a hawk. A four-legged creature with too many eyes across the whole of it's body. Wheels within wheels within wheels within wheels. All of these are Angels.   Servants of Heaven, Angels are rarely seen within the mortal realm. Perhaps surprisingly, the people of Theligose have just as little love for them as they do for the devils and demons they fought against so long ago. There are many reasons that could be given - That they were nowhere to be seen during The Rise of Man, that they are just as bad - if not worse - than the devils, or that they're simply unsettling.   The Order of Binders is just as vigilant against them as against devils, and a trainee Binder will be prepared to combat angelic interference just as well as fiendish interlopers.   Most well known for causing those in their proximity to become Idyllstruck. Angels are greatly feared for this ability that has, in legend, been used to convert entire civilisations into obedient drones.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Spontaneous generation from the Heavens themselves.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An Angel may have sensory organs, but they are usually cosmetic. They seem to sense the environment around them by mystic means.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Open war with Devils. Destruction of a Devil almost always overrides anything else an Angel is doing.
Tense relations with the humans of Theligose. Angels are not trusted or desired, and whilst alliances of convenience may occur, they are liable to break down as quickly as they form from either side.
Genetic Descendants
Natural laws of the Universe

Articles under Angels


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