Devil Species in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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The denizens of the Hells are both numerous and complex. From the most intelligent, scheming Duke in the darkest pits to the infernal foot soldier grinding civilisation under his heel, Devils run the gamut from scheming political trickster to common thug.

Basic Information


Morphologically complex. The true form of a Devil is spiritual in nature. The physical forms they can take vary wildly, from a charming gentleman to a ravening monster as the need arises.   As a species they tend to be rather vain, and gravitate more towards presenting themselves as either attractive or impressive. Whilst they often present themselves as having red skin, it is unknown as to whether this is because it is their natural coloration or whether they are simply humouring the stereotype humans often hold of them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing and sight are slightly more acute than human average.   Possess an unnatural "sixth sense" about their environment - seem to instinctively know things.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Infernus Sapiens Sapiens
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Devil


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