
Corruptions of existing creatures and sapient beings, these are misshapen and dark, nearly entirely black but with a glowing, ethereal red and are more energy than matter. They began to appear approximately five years ago and then grew exponentially throughout the world, pressing up to and even invading towns and villages that normal creatures tend to avoid. They are repulsed by Demon Wards and if trapped between Wards will dissolve to nothing, but they are also susceptible to magical attacks and weapons. Touching a Mutated Aberration in any way, such as by being attacked or trying to grab them, will result in their Corruption sticking and causing additional, corrosive damage. Being too near Mutated Aberrations for an extended period of time can allow one to become Corrupted as well, though most are taken when the organism is already dead.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Weakness to Light, Aether, and Silver   Immune to Darkness and Deridah
Leftover Deridah‌ was eventually formed into the Elder Demons‌, their unstable power creating Aberrations‌.


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