Elder Demons

Twelve of these exist in the world and are far easier to defeat when they are still forming or otherwise not quite in one world just yet. They are a piece of Balimor's power stolen by the Corrupted Invaders and shattered into 12 elemental forms by the Loredasan Creators. They exist as the last persistent remnants of the god of destruction.   Evidence of their attempts to come through may exist and exude evil energies, taking such forms as a massive weapon seemingly abandoned. Their souls may be held in even mundane containers, but a skilled mage or other magical being may be able to incorporate them into objects so as to make use of their power. They are resistant to all things mundane. The items their souls are inserted into are known as Dark Artifacts, and if one is destroyed the original elder demon will reform somewhere in the world.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elder Demons are immune to mundane weaponry, their own element (besides the Elder Demon of Light, Darkness, and Deridah   All Elder Demons, including the demon of Light are weak to Light, Aether, and their opposite element (not including the Elder Demon of Light)
The Elder Demon of Water
Leftover Deridah‌ was eventually formed into the Elder Demons‌, their unstable power creating Aberrations‌.


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