Battle of Dobru

The Conflict


The Eridium Spires were found to be on a trajectory to first make landfall at Dobru, and so control of the surrounding area would be very important to ensuring stability for the region.


The The Tortuga Coaition and the Heroes of Tortuga prepare a surprise naval engagement at the Tive capitol of Dobru.

The Engagement

A fierce naval battle was engaged with magical effects turning the tide in the Coalition's favor. A land battle was also ongoing as dwarven shocktroopers from Brazenthrone moved to the central keep while Whis Luxord-Vlatson and Holvir Vlatson moved from the outside to destabilize their naval defenses and kill the leader of the barbarians, ending in a decisive victory for the Coalition.
Start Date
14 Frostfall, 230
Ending Date
15 Frostfall, 230


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