Eridium Spires

At the genesis of the world the Eridium Spires were made at the same time as the Obsidian Brink. The spires were the home of the progenitor Elves who ended up in a bitter war with the progenitor Dragons over who would inherit the world of Terra.   The structures themselves were massive white stone towers with pockets of Eridium growing out of many of the towers and the ground itself. The Elves built their own additional structures as they outgrew the towers but were unable to safely spread out to Terra without attacks from the dragons. These new buildings were built out of blue metal and stone that the elves conjured magically. That building style became the main architectural motif of the ancient Elves.   Eventually the elves won and spread out into the world below evolving themselves magically into different races and magically uplifting many of the creatures below. They left much of the technology that allowed them win their war with the dragons and shape the world on the Spires.   The Eridium Spires later on became a home of a group of Avia who were forced out of their home by vampires.   When the island returned to the mainland of The Coil, in the skies above Dobru it was invaded by the forces of the Taken who were attempting to use the ancient resources of the elves to re-write the world. They were stopped by the Heroes of Tortuga and the Tortuga Coaition.   The Avia of the spires began to integrate in the following years.

Natural Resources

Massive towers of Eridium with structures cut into them over fields of green grass on a moving, floating island


  • Eridium Spires
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
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