
The little brother of The Original Feycourt that, with his sisters created the first reaches of The Feywild before they left him behind to touch the powers of the Deep. When the area that the Deep was touched was sealed off by the Court, over time the erasing powers of Ephemera made them all forget about its source. When the barrier to Barovia was opened, he went in search of his sister's source of power. Hearing tales from the travelers from Barovia, he knew that getting close to the vampire lord would be useful. He contracted Vampirism and went into Barovia. For hundreds of years he served Strahd von Zarovich as his faithful plaything. Pretending to be a member of his vampire brood and putting on a convincing show for even the most humiliating of Strahd's orders. He spent most of his time trying to find ways to understand the source of his sisters and new master's power but he underestimated the amount of obsessive control the vampire lord would display. having to present as a victim of Strahd's mind control and serve as his consort made individualistic goals difficult.   It wasn't until a group of Strahd's playthings were given too much leash to run on while he was trying to find a way to stuck the cycle he and his love were trapped in did the opportunity arise for Escher to allow them to destroy Strahd's coffin to ensure his doom. From then Escher left the volatile Barovia and has been traveling across Aldas ever since to explore and understand the strange singularities opening up across the land.   Despite his attempts to stop the coming Ephemera, the efforts of The Heroes of Crow's Fort and the ascension of Athrun inadvertantly ushered in th end of the world. Broken and defeated he walks the world trying to find a way to undo his failure. At the start of The Nothing War he reconsciled with his adopted neices and nephews the Littlefoot siblings and used the knowledge from his studies to assist in fighting back against the Deep   His knowledge and studies in how to combat the deep culminated in his alliance with Sona Luxord-Vlatson and a last ditch effort to steal the godhood of the Ephemeral God Athrun. Once his allies managed to save the world, he and his surviving Niece and Nephews returned to the feywild to begin bringing order back to the fractured plane and planned to become the new Lord of Autumn until a mysterious force began to contest his ascension. He has also joined the board of directors of the Four Beacons Academy.
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