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Session 14: Marble Meats Butchery

23rd & 24th Of Snowmelt

General Summary

Having just agreed to take on the task explained by Rajiv, the LUKI Four plays a game of Devil's Dice with him. That is, most of the party, as Rat-Leaf is still commited to her part and does not participate. They play a few rounds, with Rajiv and Killian turning a profit, before eventually leaving the Bloated Bounty. Rajiv reminds the party that he wants them to find whoever is using the funds of the Bounty and is betraying him, and that they are allowed to use his name if they can ensure that whoever they mention his name to keeps quiet about it. The party decides to prolong the investigation of the Marble Meats Butchery until the morning, as they've just had a couple of long days and require some catching up on their sleeping. They thus head back to the Red Dragon Inn, where to their relief no hidden notes, skeletons or other unexpected dangers await them for once.
  The next morning the party asks the tavernkeep for directions, and heads off towards Marble Meats in the Widowed Husks. They arrive to find a small store, looking seemingly closed, with nobody at the counter and no customers in the store either. In order to not go in blind, they decide to observe the shop from an alley for a while and send in Rat-leaf to scout ahead. The group outside learns taht the same four people seem to patrol in front of the shop every 15 minutes, while Rat-Leaf manages to discover the sound of knives being sharpened from below a trapdoor in a back room. The LUKI Four consider their options for a bit, before deciding they need to enter the shop. To their suprise, they notice that the door is unlocked, and can thus enter quietly. However, just as they do so, the top hinge of the door comes off, and a loud sound is audible when the bottom of the door crashes against the wooden floor of the room. This catches the attention of the owner, who comes up from the trapdoor, only to be face-to-face with Rat-Leaf. The owner, a halfling with weasel-like features, heads back down the trapdoor, is heard rumbling through some supplies, and emerges with a broom charging after Rat-Leaf.
  This gives the party a welcome oppertunity to head down the trapdoor themselves, finding some standard butchery equipment downstairs, as well as a meatlocker with carcasses on hooks. It does not take long for them to spot the overly large blood sink at the center of the room, which is clearly a hidden pathway. However, it equally does not take long for the owner to return after giving up on catching Rat-Leaf. Hearing sounds from the shop above, Killian quickly hurries back up. Hemeets the owner upstairs, but just as he is about to scold her for entering his storage room behind the counter, he quickly convinces the store clerk that he is interested in buying a knife and needs to know all the details. This works, suprisingly, buying Indra and Uthal downstairs enough time to figure out how to remove the sink and how to safely get down. It also buys enough time for Rat-Leaf to sneak past both the owner and Killian, and join the party downstairs. Eventually, the party manages to barely escape detection, as the group of four people they saw while scouting comes in for a routine check of the butchery. The owner quickly checks the meat locker after hearing that his shop was being watched, but with Indra hidden in a meat carcess, and Uthal invisible, he is unable to spot them. With the owner returning upstairs, Killian convinces him that the rat just ran outside the store again, and with the owner again storming off, the party is now able to head downstairs and explore the path beyond the blood-sink.
  They end up in a dug-out tunnel, which goes on for a while. Eventually, they come across an abandoned watchpost station, with a table adorned with an unfinished card game and a large footlocker in a corner. After learning that hte footlocker is locked, the party decides that this is not their priority right now, and heads onward. This brings them to a large open circular chamber, where they encounter Brother Bladd and his two 'pet' flesh golems: Dinner and Supper. With the party unwilling to leave a fight starts. Heavy blows are dealt on both sides, with ghouls emerging from the walls. Uthal and Supper end up in a tug of war using the ball and chain weapon of Supper over a 20 foot drop into an unknown ravine obscured by heavy fog. However, due to the protective abilities of the two flesh golems, and the distraction that hte Ghouls provide, Bladd is eventually able to finish some kind of incantation. Bladd runs towards the 20 foot drop, which the party has by now learned ends in a shallow layer of water filled with corpses, and jumps into some kind of whirlpool he created, dissapearing into the water. This leaves the party with two flesh golems, some ghouls, and a difficult choice. Do they chase after Brother Bladd to once again put an end to possible plans of the Feaster, or do they let him go and chase after their other target, Cerval Orfalx?   Next session: Session 15: Food fight across dimensions
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Rajijv, owner of the Bloated Bounty,
Brother Bladd, Patron of the Bloated Bounty
Report Date
30 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Rajiv the Ragged


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