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Session 15: Food fight across dimensions

24th Of Snowmelt

General Summary

The LUKI Four continue their fight against Bladd and his minions, despite Bladd having disappeared through a portal. This leaves the party with the two flesh golems, Dinner and Supper, along with three ghouls still attacking them. Though Uthal and Indra are hell-bent on killing the remaining minions, the less alive looking Killian and Leaf would rather shove them all through the portal. Thus, after a few attempts, Killian succesfully uses her telekinesis to shove Dinner through the portal. As a result, Supper also jumps through the portal, with Uthal immediately jumping after the creature. This prompts a slight panic within the party, causing them to follow him one after another.   Once through the Portal, Uthal narrowly misses a platform and ends up dropping 60 feet to some rocky floor. He quickly realizes he is in an exact upside-down version of the room he just left. However, the air is heavy and dense, with strange whispers in the air and a constant feeling of something tugging at him, causing his mind to constantly hurt. Luckily, Killian attaches a rope to a pillar and throws it down the portal, allowing the other party members to catch the rope instead of plummet to the rocky surface below. To the surprise of the party, the mark of Aphos on the arm of Indra seems to create some kind of barrier, and Leaf seems protected by her oak leaf necklace, shielding both of them from the harmful effects of the realm.   The battle continues in this new dimension, and though the party is unable to catch Brother Bladd, both Dinner and Supper get killed by the party. After the battle, each of the party members takes some time to investigate parts of the room in which the battle started and the dimension in which it ended. They learn that Bladd was working on some kind of summoning spell, and that the room originally had some kind of other function. Using a combination of bat and owl familiars, the party discovers that the other dimension is a strange place, somewhat resembling an upside down reality. The tunnel outside eventually opens up on the bottom into an enormous open space, resulting in a drop of a few miles for anyone leaving the tunnel. The space has a permanently eclipsed sun, with a flat rocky surface covering the sky, resembling the ground floor in the prime plane. The floor looks like a could-like surface, but entirely made of rock, with large crevasses in between them which seem to shimmer like a starry night sky. Throughout the place, large columns which connect the two rocky surfaces are dotted throughout the area.   Concluding that there is nothing more to be gained from this location, and unable to chase Bladd due to the dangerous environment and the risk of the portal closing on them, the party decides to leave the room again. They head out to the Tower Scholars, with the purpose of discovering more information about this strange new realm, find more information about Cerval and visit Vazeraj. In the office of Cerval they set off a trap, which destroys a crystal ball that was stored there, but the party still manages to collect four bottles that contain a storm cloud substance. After this, they head over to Vazeraj's tea room, which is a magical place. More chairs are summoned in as more visitors join, with the room ever so slightly expanding at the same time. After Uthal thinks of some kind of tea, a tea pot suddenly appears with that exact tea inside it, and a floating tea cup making its way to him. The party takes some time to marvel at the room they are in, before eventually Vazeraj shows up. What will the party discuss with this mysterious extravagant headman of the Tower of Mysteries.   Next session: Session 16: Tea with Vazaraj
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Brother Bladd, Patron of the Bloated Bounty
Vazeraj, Arch Scholar of Mysteries
Report Date
27 May 2023
Primary Location
Brother Bladd


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