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Session 20: A week of Respite

26th - 33rd of Snowmelt

General Summary

Having defeated Cerval and investigated his layer, the Luki Four prepares for their journey home. Not wanting to grow tired of having to carry the corpse of Cerval, the party decides to cast reduce on his corpse and shove him in the bag of holding, he is no longer breathing after all. Though the Serpents' Head mountains are as earie on the way out as they were on the way in, the party manages to arrive back at their horses on the edge of the mountains without any trouble. Here, they encounter a wild boar that spooks the party. However, the combined effort of some spellslinging and the magical skipstones on the floor quickly scares off the animal. The rest of the day is spent traveling back to Brothers' Crossing and reconnecting with Ada and Norfaed. Killian receives a bonding bracelet with Ada, which lets the siblings know if harm befalls one another, and learns that Norfaed has tracked at least one place within the city where the Cult of the Night Veil is currently situated. The party also finally manages to read the note they found in the old United Order mansion, which details that someone was going to get a spool of Moonweaved Thread from Tiana at the floats. The person who signed the message, Risshin the Veiled, was the supposed leader of the cult. The party asks Norfaed if he can look into the leader and the possible uses of Moonweaved Thread, but decides not to peruse their interest in the cult any further for now, and turn in for the night. Aside from another mysterious dream for Indra involving her patron, who seems to bicker with a being that resembles Aphos, the night goes by uneventfully.
  The next day, the first order of business is collecting their reward for slaying Cerval. However, the party is stopped on their way towards Founders’ Fortress, as high-profile leaders from all over the continent are currently meeting. Thus, they send one of the guards in to get their reward, but are surprised when one of the royal guards of the Golden Order delivers their reward instead. Inside is a note from Kiran, Leader of the Griffon Knights and second son of the king, who commends the party on their deeds and notifies them that he raised their reward by another 1500gp, granting the party a total of 6500gp for their latest adventure. To the surprise of the party, Indra passes the guard a note intended for Kiran. Nevertheless, the party temporarily splits up after collecting their reward to attend some personal tasks. Indra and Killian go shopping for gifts for the party, while Uthal and Leaf help a blind girl feed her pet dire rat.
  Later that day, Uthal, Killian and Leaf can’t believe their eyes as four royal guards and Kiran arrive at Crispy Mike, seemingly waiting for someone. While Uthal and Kiran engage in some small talk, it becomes clear that Kiran was waiting for Indra, who had hoped to meet with the prince without knowledge of the party. Nevertheless, the party and Kiran share a sloppy meal drenched in sauce, and despite a slightly awkward conversation where the prince obviously feels out of place, the five of them share a good time.
  The next few days are spent with some well-deserve relaxing. After all, the party has been questing non-stop since they first met just over two weeks ago. This also allows the party to get to know each other a bit more, catch up on local rumors, and do some shopping. It is during this time that the egg that Killian bought from Madam Zoor responds to the magic essence he had been pouring into it, as a relatively young displacer beast pet appears behind Killian, seemingly obedient to Killian. However, on the 31st of snowmelt Kithalme gathers the party to discuss how they are going to enter Am Galar. So far, he has identified three possibilities. They could try to storm the entrance, but it is guarded by powerful constructs. Another option would lead the party into the Golden Oak Forest, to a potential teleportation circle that leads into the mountain. However, entering the forest is punishable by death. Thus, the party quickly decides to go for the third option, which is to travel to Idirianoc which recently has uncovered ruins that have the same architecture as Am Galar, hoping to find some more information on how to enter Am Galar. With some luck there might even be a direct underground route. Thus, the week of rest comes to an end for the party, as preparations for their next expedition kick in to action. The party departs by means of teleportation to Idirianoc on the 33rd. Will they find a way into Am Galar?
  Next Session: Session 21: The ruins beneath Idirianoc
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Kiran Levant Amria, Leader of the Griffon Knights and second son of the king,
Farni Gaddlezeddle, owner of the Gemnomes,
Kithalme of the Tower Scholars of Mysteries,
Norfaed of the Tower Scholars,
Ada, younger sister of Killian,
Crispy Mike
Report Date
30 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Crispy Mike


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