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Session 21: The ruins beneath Idirianoc

33rd of Snowmelt

General Summary

After their nice and week-long break from adventuring, with pouches full of potions and new magical items, the LUKI Four returns to their mission to find out more about the Feaster From Afar. They meet up with Malekith to start their journey to Idirianoc, in hopes of finding a route into Am Galar. Malekith introduces the party to a small group of individuals that will accompany them into the newely discovered ruins beneath Idirianoc. These are the fully plated Fire Genasi Igni, the gnome wizard duo of Vorfan and Banroe, and finally Horthrum God'gadar, a follower of the Watcher of Wealth Maroth. Malekith then goes on to explain to the party that their mission will be twofold: find the missing tower scholars and find a possible way into Am Galar. The party has some small talk with the other members of the expedition, before they are magically teleported to a room inside the ruins of Idirianoc.   From here the party descends into part where the scholars went missing, and almost immediately come face to face with an intersection with a statue of a Dwarf that holds a hammer in one hand, and a scroll in another. On the scroll it reads "Be welcome to the refuge that shall serve forever as a memory to those that died in Am Galar, and a celebration of those that escaped out of Am Galar", however, someone also wrote "To those who dare enter this place, turn back. It was collapsed on purpose. Nothing but madness and death wait in these halls." at a later date on the scroll. Unfazed by the warning and determined to go on, the expedition crew splits into two groups, with the LUKI Four heading in one direction, while the remainder heads in another direction. Moving through the ruins, the LUKI Four find an old shelter with skeletons that clawed their eyes out, an old medical facility, a few commemorative statues and a room that seems to honor a dragon. The party also manages to find a strange smooth sphere with a sword carved into, and decide to keep it for now.   Finally, the party arrives at a room which holds the "Evacuation Log of Am Galar", with a message on the walls of the room: "Prove yourself to the King and its eternal guardian, and the secrets of their domain will be revealed." Though the Evacuation log seems to be magically protected, Uthal quickly realizes that he can weaken the protection by 'proving' himself to the dragon. He does so by using a chain dangling from the ceiling in the dragon room, which sets the room ablaze.   Continuing on with their exploration, the group ends up in a room that looks to hold a destroyed model of the planes, with the text “Never again” written over and over again on the walls. The group also manages to find a glowing green orb, and having learned seemingly nothing from their last encounter with a green glowing orb, touch it. This time it is Killian who suffers the effects of it, coming face to face with one of the centipede-type creatures they had seen below The Floats.   Eventually, the party finds a way to ‘prove themselves’ to the king, by placing a small offering of coin near a statue of it in the ruins. This allows them to retrieve the evacuation log, which seems to hold all manner of information on Am Galar. They continue on with their exploration of the ruins, finding a room with a possible magical gate to Am Galar, a room full of skulls of Dwarfs and followers of the Feaster alike. Eventually, they discover a newly dug hallway, which leads them to a room below the portal, where three possessed tower scholars are carving the sign of the Feaster into the portal. Malekith quickly dispatches of the creatures possessing them, and orders Igni to retrieve the still breathing bodies of the scholars.   Having completed the task of saving the scholars, the group returns to the portal with the aim of activating it. By now, they have collected four spheres with carved symbols (sword, droplet, mushroom and anvil), with the evacuation log hinting at where they might lead to. They decide to use the one with the mushroom on it to travel to the mushroom farms of Am Galar. They hope to find a small group of Earth Genasi that might be hiding nearby according to the evacuation log, if they have survived. Killian bravely steps through the portal, discovering an area filled with spores that quickly clog his vision and stick to his clothes. However, before the rest of the LUKI Four can follow through the portal, two statues that were standing next to the portal come to live, and drag Killian back through the portal. The party stands face to face with two massive constructs, which they will have to fight with their new expedition allies!   Next Session: Session 22: Scouting in Spores
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Kithalme of the Tower Scholars of Mysteries
Igni, Fire Genasi Fighter in the Am Galar Expedition
Vorfan, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Banroe, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Horthrum God'gadar, Dwarven Ranger in the Am Galar Expedition
Report Date
28 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Horthrum God'gadar
21Horthrum God'gadar.png


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