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Session 23 - Hunted and Hiding

33rd & 34th of Snowmelt

General Summary

The LUKI Four hides inside the resource silo, pondering what to do next. Having just watched the swift death of the gnolls, the party decides to hide inside the building for a while. To their horror, they watch as the small purple orb tears open reality around it, as a winged entity which presence distorts space around it appears in its place. Luckily, the celestial being does not seem to notice the party, instead disappearing into another self-made tear in reality and dragging the deceased gnoll leader along with it.   The party decides to wait for a few minutes before heading out back towards the gate. Time is of the essence, and the party does not intend to remain in a place with such a lethal creature. Though the superior survival skills of Leaf cause the party to arrive at the gate swiftly again, Indra senses something divine following the party. This turns out to be the celestial assassin, which awaits the LUKI Four at the gate. Nevertheless, through some communication with Malekith and a solid escape plan, the entire party manages to get through the portal back to Idirianoc with only Uthal getting hit once in an attempt to steal the weapon from the celestial. After informing Malekith of their small trip into Am Galar, the party decides that now would be a good time for a long rest, and goes to sleep.   The next day, the expedition crew discusses what to do next. The other group had gone to the forges, where they met a large amount of Modrons. These Modrons are willing to help the party, so long as they kill a creature known as the "Jaw of the Tunnels", which the party deduces to be a rust monster. Not wanting to take another risk so soon, the party decides that instead of returning to the mushroom farms or investigating one of the other areas, this quest sounds like a sound next step. Thus, the LUKI Four, along with Vorfan, Banroe, Horthrum and Igni head into the forge district of the abandoned city. Aside from the intense heat, the place actually seems rather safe and in a good condition, likely due to maintenance by the Modrons.   The party travels through the forge district for a bit, before heading into a series of tunnels in search of this "Jaw of the Tunnels". They eventually come across a large outcropping, which is filled with old scaffold buildings. Through some investigation, the party deduces that this is an old Gnoll settlement, which has long since been abandoned. Though Leaf seems to have a good time after finding some comfortable Cave Cuddler moss in a corner, Indra instead finds a tiny rust monster, which immediately runs off. Though Indra manages to kill the creature before it gets away, hundreds of footstep type sounds can be heard from the nearby tunnels. Thus, the expedition prepares for whatever swarm of creatures approaches on their position. Will the Luki Four be able to stop the horde of rust monsters?   Next Session: Session 24: Rusty Tunnels
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Kithalme of the Tower Scholars of Mysteries
Igni, Fire Genasi Fighter in the Am Galar Expedition
Vorfan, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Banroe, Gnome Wizard in the Am Galar Expedition
Horthrum God'gadar, Dwarven Ranger in the Am Galar Expedition
Report Date
06 Jul 2024
Primary Location
The Celestial Assassin


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