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The Silver Flame


Of all the varied faiths of Eberron, the Silver Flame stands apart. The Purified, as followers of the faith call themselves, worship a divine entity of nonmortal origin, unlike the elves of Aerenal or the cultists of Rhashaak. Still, their god claims no dominion over the world, nor that it has existed since the Dragons formed that world, unlike the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six. The Silver Flame is a god with a purpose, and only those of equal principle are drawn to serve.   The Church of the Silver Flame illuminates a way of life for millions of people across Khorvaire, represents the force that governs the nation of Thrane, and inspires bands of crusaders dedicated to exterminating evil from the face of Eberron. If mere membership in the church grants a comforting degree of faith and security, life as a crusader in its order of knights templar guarantees a career of excitement, virtue, and honor.  

Souls and the Afterlife

The Purified maintain that the soul is a form of divine energy, but that it does not originate from the Silver Flame or indeed any god. Rather, it coalesces from the energies of the world. Each person born adds a spark of the divine to the world. Those who are faithful to the Silver Flame join with it after death, their own souls adding the tiniest bit to its own near-infinite power. Others are condemned to Dolurrh, where their souls’ divinity is extinguished, condemning them to an endless existence as passionless minds with no true spirit. Only the Silver Flame can offer an alternative to Dolurrh, and that is proof to the Purified that the Flame will eventually be the one true god of Eberron. When that day comes, the realm of Dolurrh will cease to exist, for it will no longer serve any purpose.  

Five Edicts of the Church

  1. Trust in the Silver Flame. The Voice of the Silver Flame never lies. It will light your way to glory and salvation.
  2. Heed the words of the Keeper. The Keeper of the Flame is your emissary. Through the Keeper, the Silver Flame speaks.
  3. Fight evil in all its forms. Not everyone can have the strength or conviction of a paladin, but there are many ways to fight evil that don’t require one to draw a sword. We must also remain vigilant, for the one thing evil does well is hide in plain sight.
  4. Lead a noble life, and encourage others to do the same. Temptations abound, but the wisest of us can recognize and avoid them. If you die with a pure spirit, you will be forever bound with the Silver Flame.
  5. Share the faith. The Silver Flame can purify the darkest spirit. Share the power of the Flame with those who have not yet embraced it.


Authority Ministers Templars Friars
Regional Archbishop N/A N/A
City Bishop Prefect N/A
Locality Priest/Father/Mother Priest/Sir/Lady Priest/Brother/Sister
None N/A N/A Pilgrim

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